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January 23, 2025
500 Top Podcasts from the Past Five Years
It’s been a little while since we added podcasts to our LearnOutLoud.com Podcast Directory. So we recently did a deep dive into the major podcast directories of iTunes and Spotify and picked out 500 top podcasts from the past five years to add to our directory.
We’re changing up our strategy somewhat with our podcast directory. In the past, we’ve allowed submissions to our podcast directory and pretty much added anything that was educational. But the sheer amount of podcasts out there is overwhelming with estimates of between 3 and 4 million podcasts to choose from worldwide. So instead of trying to add everything under the sun to our podcast directory, we’ve decided to hone in on the very best podcasts out there. These include podcasts that are highly rated, most-rated, and also many hidden gems we’ve discovered that we thought were worth highlighting. Our focus is always on the best podcasts that you can learn from! We currently feature over 5,000 of the best podcasts available which you can browse here:
Browse Over 5,000 Podcasts in the LearnOutLoud.com Podcast Directory
Sort by Recently Added, and you’ll see the latest podcasts we added. We’ve removed some of the podcasts that have been deleted or podfaded (produced only a few episodes and then disappeared from existence), and we’ve added over 500 more that have risen to prominence in the past five years. In this blog post, we’ll highlight some of the best podcasts we’ve added in each of our main 16 categories. So let’s get into it:
Top Arts & Entertainment Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
A History of Rock Music in 500 Songs Podcast
The Plot Thickens Podcast from Turner Classic Movies
The Movies That Made Me Podcast Hosted by Joe Dante and Josh Olson
You’ll Hear It: Jazz Explained Podcast
Aria Code Podcast from The Metropolitan Opera
Top Biography Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
Bruce Lee Podcast Hosted by Daughter Shannon Lee
Celebrity Memoir Book Club Podcast
Dolly Parton’s America Podcast
The Hurricane Tapes – BBC Podcast
Top Business Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
Coaching Real Leaders Podcast from the Harvard Business Review
Do This, Not That: Marketing Tips Podcast
BiggerPockets Real Estate Podcast
Top Education & Professional Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
How to Be Awesome at Your Job Podcast
What It’s Like To Be Career Podcast Hosted by Dan Heath
Those Who Can’t Teach Anymore Podcast
Fiction Writing Made Easy Podcast
Top History Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
History That Doesn’t Suck Podcast
The Civil War & Reconstruction Podcast
The History of England Podcast
The History of the Twentieth Century Podcast
Top Languages Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
Learning English Grammar – BBC Podcast
Learn Italian with Joy of Languages Podcast
Top Literature Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
Let’s Talk About Myths, Baby Podcast
ABC News: The Book Case Podcast
National Review’s Great Books Podcast
The History of Literature Podcast
Storytime for Grownups Podcast
Top Philosophy Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
Lives Well Lived Podcast Hosted by Peter Singer & Kasia de Lazari Radek
Top Politics Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
The Foreign Affairs Interview Podcast
Hoover Institution: Goodfellows Podcast
Top Religion & Spirituality Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
Wild at Heart Podcast Hosted by John Eldredge
Ask N.T. Wright Anything Podcast
The Stories of Mahabharata Podcast
Unpacking Israeli History Podcast
The C.S. Lewis Podcast Hosted by Alister McGrath
Turning to the Mystics Podcast Hosted by James Finley
Through the ESV Bible in a Year Podcast
Top Science Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
NASA’s Curious Universe Podcast
The Science of Everything Podcast
Ologies with Alie Ward Podcast
A Brief History of Mathematics – BBC Podcast
Into the Impossible Podcast Hosted by Brian Keating
Top Self Development Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
The Daily Motivation Podcast Hosted by Lewis Howes
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck Podcast Hosted by Mark Manson
You Can Heal Your Life Podcast Produced by Hay House
ZOE Science & Nutrition Podcast
Feel Better, Live More Podcast Hosted by Rangan Chatterjee
Jed McKenna Nonduality Podcast
Michael Singer Podcast Produced by Sounds True
Top Social Sciences Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
Your Brain On: The Neuroscience of Everything Podcast
Top Sports & Hobbies Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
The Athletic Football Show Podcast
Top Technology Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
Your Undivided Attention Podcast
Kim Komando Daily Tech Update Podcast
Top Travel Podcasts from the Past Five Years:
Join Us in France Travel Podcast
You Be Trippin Podcast Hosted by Ari Shaffir
So there you have it. Some of the top podcasts you can learn from in many categories from the past five years. We’ll be adding many more to come, so stay tuned!
November 21, 2023
80 Podcasts Hosted by Best-Selling Authors
According to Apple Podcasts, they have over 2.5 million podcasts on their platform, and according to Spotify, they now have over 5 million podcasts on their service! There are so many podcasts to choose from that discovering interesting new ones to listen to can be daunting. One good place to start is by listening to podcasts that are hosted by best-selling authors. Here, we’ve made a list of 80 best-selling authors who have published highly-rated best-sellers over the years and are hosting their own podcasts. These authors have published a range of nonfiction books, from self-help classics to popular science books and more.
Below, we’ll list all 80 podcasts in alphabetical order by the author’s last name. We’ll link to the podcasts on our site. We’ll also note their best-selling book and link to the audiobook version on our site. And we’ll let you know what their podcast is all about. Enjoy these 80 podcasts from these popular authors:
1. Mitch Albom hosts the Tuesday People Podcast – Mitch Albom is the author of the 1997 best seller Tuesdays with Morrie, which features lessons Albom learned from his sociology professor, Morrie Schwartz. The Tuesday People Podcast continues the instructional ideas that Albom learned and has included in his books.
2. David Allen hosts the Getting Things Done Podcast – Allen is the best-selling author of time management classic Getting Things Done. His podcast features discussions on productivity, technology, and other topics.
3. Daniel G. Amen hosts the The Brain Warrior’s Way Podcast – Dr. Daniel Amen is the best-selling author of numerous popular books on the brain and mental health, including Change Your Brain, Change Your Life. His podcast, which he co-hosts with his wife, focuses on ways to improve your brain health and overcome anxiety, depression, addiction, and other brain afflictions.
4. Dave Asprey hosts the Bulletproof Radio Podcast – Dave Asprey is the best-selling author of the book The Bulletproof Diet that features a low-carb, high-fat diet. His podcast, which now goes by the name The Human Upgrade, features guests that Asprey interviews about all methods of biohacking.
5. Glenn Beck hosts The Glenn Beck Program Podcast – Glenn Beck is a conservative radio host and author of many best-selling books including The Christmas Sweater. His popular daily podcast covers American culture and politics from a conservative angle.
6. Martha Beck hosts the The Gathering Room Podcast – Martha Beck is the author of best-selling audio programs like Finding Your Own North Star. Her podcast broadcasts her weekly Facebook event, where she fields questions about spirituality and personal growth.
7. Rob Bell hosts The RobCast Podcast – Rob Bell is the author of the book Love Wins. His podcast covers topics on spirituality and features interviews with notable guests.
8. Gabrielle Bernstein hosts the Dear Gabby Podcast – Gabrielle Bernstein is the author of motivational best sellers like May Cause Miracles. Her podcast features Q&A sessions where she coaches in real-time, along with inspiring conversations.
9. & 10. Brene Brown hosts two podcasts, the Unlocking Us Podcast and the Dare to Lead Podcast – Brene Brown is the author of many best-selling books including Daring Greatly. Her Unlocking Us Podcast focuses on personal growth with many special guests. Her Dare to Lead Podcast focuses more on professional growth and becoming a great leader. Both are available exclusively on Spotify.
11. David D. Burns hosts the Feeling Good Podcast – Dr. David D. Burns is the author of the best-selling book Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy that helped to popularize cognitive behavioral therapy. His Feeling Good Podcast explains CBT and other therapy techniques to help overcome depression and anxiety.
12. Joseph Campbell is featured on the Pathways with Joseph Campbell Podcast – Joseph Campbell passed away in 1987 but his teachings live on in his many books and recorded lectures. His best-selling book is
The Hero With a Thousand Faces. The Pathways with Joseph Campbell Podcast features recorded lectures on many topics by Campbell with intros and commentary by Brad Olson, Ph.D.
13. Jack Canfield hosts The Jack Canfield Podcast – Jack Canfield is known for his “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series of books and his best-selling book The Success Principles. On The Jack Canfield Podcast, he interviews guests on the principles that helped to turn their dreams into reality.
14. Sean M. Carroll hosts Sean Carroll’s Mindscape Podcast – Sean Carroll is a theoretical physicist and philosopher who has authored popular science books like The Big Picture: On the Origins of Life, Meaning, and the Universe Itself. On his podcast, he interviews scientists and philosophers on a range of topics.
15. Clayborne Carson hosts The World House Podcast. Clayborne Carson is a professor at Stanford University and director of the Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and Education Institute. He has authored many books on Martin Luther King, Jr. and the civil rights era, including the best-selling The Autobiography of Martin Luther King, Jr., which he edited. On The World House Podcast, Dr. Clayborne Carson and Dr. Mira Foster discuss anything related to Martin Luther King, Jr.
16. Francis Chan hosts the Crazy Love Podcast – Francis Chan is a Christian author of many books including the best seller Crazy Love. His Crazy Love Podcast features over 100 episodes of his Christian teachings.
17. Gary Chapman hosts the Building Relationships Podcast – Gary Chapman is the author of the best-selling relationship book The Five Love Languages. His podcast focuses on building relationships from a Christian perspective.
18. Deepak Chopra hosts Deepak Chopra’s Infinite Potential Podcast – Deepak Chopra is a best-selling spirituality author of books like The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. On his Infinite Potential Podcast, Deepak interviews over a dozen guests on maximizing your potential.
19. Jim Cramer on the Mad Money with Jim Cramer Podcast – Jim Cramer has been hosting his Mad Money finance show on CNBC since 2005. He has also authored best-selling books like Jim Cramer’s Get Rich Carefully. His podcast is the audio version of his Mad Money show.
20. Ram Dass on the Ram Dass Here And Now Podcast – Spiritual teacher Ram Dass passed away in 2019 but his wisdom lives on! He’s the author of many popular books, including Be Love Now: The Path of the Heart. On the Ram Dass Here And Now Podcast, you can listen to over 200 lectures that Ram Dass gave throughout his life.
21. Richard Dawkins hosts The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins Podcast – Richard Dawkins is an evolutionary biologist and author of books like The Selfish Gene and The God Delusion. The Poetry of Reality with Richard Dawkins Podcast features Dawkins in conversation on many scientific topics.
22. Stephen J. Dubner hosts the Freakonomics Radio Podcast – Stephen J. Dubner is the co-author of the best-selling Freakonomics book series including Freakonomics, SuperFreakonomics, and Think Like a Freak. He hosts the popular Freakonomics Radio Podcast, where he interviews various economic experts about the challenging topics of our time.
23. Wayne Dyer is featured on the Dr. Wayne W. Dyer Podcast – Personal development author and speaker Wayne Dyer passed away in 2015, but his wisdom lives on in his many books and recordings. He’s the author of best-selling audio programs like The Power of Intention and Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Life. His podcast features recordings from his weekly talk show on Hay House Radio, where he advised callers on all aspects of their lives.
24. Bart Ehrman hosts the Misquoting Jesus Podcast – Bart Ehrman is a biblical scholar who has written numerous best sellers including How Jesus Became God and Misquoting Jesus. His Misquoting Jesus Podcast explores the New Testament, the historical Jesus, and early Christianity.
25. Bret Easton Ellis hosts the Bret Easton Ellis Podcast – Bret Easton Ellis is a best-selling author of mostly fiction including contemporary classics like American Psycho. He offers his current version of The Bret Easton Ellis Podcast on Patreon. His earlier free version of Bret Easton Ellis Podcast features over 90 interviews with writers, directors, actors, and musicians.
26. Tim Ferriss hosts The Tim Ferriss Show Podcast – Tim Ferriss has authored best sellers such as The 4-Hour Work Week and The 4-Hour Body. On his popular podcast, he interviews top performers in many fields about how they optimize their success.
27. Elizabeth Gilbert hosts the Magic Lessons Podcast – Elizabeth Gilbert is the author of the mega-best-seller Eat, Pray, Love. Her Magic Lessons Podcast features interviews with creative people about how they face their fears and live creatively.
28. Malcolm Gladwell hosts the Revisionist History Podcast – Malcolm Gladwell has written numerous best sellers including Blink and The Tipping Point. His Revisionist History Podcast looks at historical incidents and re-examines them in the peculiar way only Gladwell can.
29. Seth Godin hosts Seth Godin’s Akimbo Podcast – Seth Godin is a leading expert on marketing with best selling books such as All Marketers Are Liars. His Akimbo Podcast covers different cultural issues and how we can change them.
30. Jane Goodall hosts The Jane Goodall Hopecast Podcast – Jane Goodall is a primatologist who has written many popular books including My Life with the Chimpanzees. Her podcast features interviews with many change-making guests in the area of environmentalism.
31. Chris Guillebeau hosts the Side Hustle School Podcast – Chris Guillebeau has authored best sellers on entrepreneurship such as The $100 Startup and Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days. His Side Hustle School Podcast features over 2,000 brief episodes on various side hustles people have enacted to earn money.
32. Dan Harris hosts the 10% Happier Podcast – Dan Harris is a former journalist and meditation practitioner who authored the best-selling book 10% Happier. His 10% Happier Podcast features interviews with meditation teachers and scientists on practical ways to improve your emotional well-being.
33. Sam Harris hosts the Making Sense with Sam Harris Podcast – Sam Harris is a philosopher and neuroscientist who has authored best sellers such as Waking Up: A Guide to Spirituality Without Religion and The End of Faith. His Making Sense Podcast features audio essays and interviews on many contemporary topics covering politics, religion, science, technology, and more.
34. Gay Hendricks hosts The Big Leap Podcast – Psychologist Gay Hendricks has authored many popular personal growth books including The Big Leap. His podcast covers how to achieve more in many areas of your life.
35. Ryan Holiday hosts The Daily Stoic Podcast – Ryan Holiday is the author of numerous best sellers including many covering modern Stoicism like Ego Is the Enemy and The Daily Stoic. His Daily Stoic Podcast features Holiday teaching lessons from great Stoic thinkers like Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus.
36. Mark Hyman hosts The Doctor’s Farmacy Podcast – Dr. Mark Hyman focuses on nutrition and longevity in his many best-selling books like The Blood Sugar Solution.
37. T.D. Jakes hosts The Potter’s Touch Audio Podcast – Bishop T.D. Jakes is a pastor at The Potter’s House megachurch in Dallas. He has authored many best sellers, including Let It Go: Forgive So You Can Be Forgiven. The Potter’s Touch Podcast features Jakes’s powerful preaching.
38. Byron Katie hosts The Work of Byron Katie Podcast. Byron Katie is the author of best selling books like Loving What Is: Four Questions That Can Change Your Life. On her podcast, Byron Katie teaches her method of self-inquiry known as “The Work”, which she coaches her guests on performing.
39. Guy Kawasaki hosts Guy Kawasaki’s Remarkable People Podcast – Guy Kawasaki starting off marketing Macintosh computers back in the 1980s and has written best-selling books like The Art of the Start 2.0. On his podcast, he interviews remarkable people in the areas of technology, start-ups, entrepreneurship, and marketing.
40. Garrison Keillor hosts Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac Podcast – Garrison Keillor created the beloved A Prairie Home Companion radio show and has authored many popular books including Lake Wobegon Days. His Writer’s Almanac podcast features brief episodes of Keillor’s humorous thoughts of the day.
41. Timothy Keller hosts the Timothy Keller Podcast – Pastor Timothy Keller has authored many best-selling books including The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. His podcast features his sermons from Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York City.
42. Robert T. Kiyosaki hosts the Rich Dad’s Podcast – Robert T. Kiyosaki is the author of the mega-best-selling wealth book Rich Dad, Poor Dad. His Rich Dad Podcast features Kiyosaki talking with guests about personal finance.
43. Jack Kornfield hosts the Heart Wisdom Podcast – Jack Kornfield is a Buddhist monk who has authored popular audio programs like The Wise Heart: A Guide to the Universal Teachings of Buddhist Psychology. His Heart Wisdom Podcast presents dharma talks and meditations he has delivered around the world.
44. Lawrence Krauss hosts The Origins Podcast – Lawrence Krauss is a theoretical physicist who has authored popular science books like A Universe from Nothing. His Origins Podcast offers in-depth conversations with scientists, philosophers, and leading thinkers.
45. Jiddu Krishnamurti is featured on the Urgency of Change: The Krishnamurti Podcast – Jiddu Krishnamurti was an Indian philosopher who delivered many lectures and wrote many popular books like Freedom from the Known (1969). His podcast is run by the Krishnamurti Foundation and presents over 200 conversations and talks given by Krishnamurti.
46. & 47. Patrick Lencioni hosts the At The Table with Patrick Lencioni Podcast and The Working Genius with Patrick Lencioni Podcast – Patrick Lencioni is the author of the best-selling leadership fable The Five Dysfunctions of a Team. He hosts two podcasts. At The Table with Patrick Lencioni offers over 200 conversations with everyday leaders. The Working Genius with Patrick Lencioni Podcast provides practical advice on applying Lencioni’s Working Genius model at your work and in your daily life.
48. Steven D. Levitt hosts the People I (Mostly) Admire Podcast – Steven D. Levitt is the co-author of the best-selling Freakonomics book series including Freakonomics. While his co-author Stephen J. Dubner hosts the popular Freakonomics Radio Podcast, Levitt started his own podcast more recently of conversations with high achievers in many fields.
49. Michael Lewis hosts the Against the Rules Podcast – Michael Lewis has authored numerous best-selling books like Moneyball and The Blind Side. His Against the Rules Podcast covers many topics, often in the area of finance, including most recently his coverage of former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried.
50. Max Lucado hosts the Max Lucado Daily Devotionals Podcast – Pastor Max Lucado is a prolific Christian author with best sellers like You’ll Get Through This: Hope and Help for Your Turbulent Times. His Daily Devotional Podcast presents 1-minute episodes of Christian encouragement.
51. John MacArthur hosts the Grace to You: Radio Podcast – Pastor John MacArthur is a prolific Christian author of over 150 books including the best-selling book Twelve Ordinary Men. His Grace to You: Radio Podcast offers broadcasts for spiritual growth.
52. John Maxwell hosts The John Maxwell Leadership Podcast – John C. Maxwell is a best-selling leadership author whose titles include The 5 Levels of Leadership and The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership. His weekly podcast features leadership lessons and interviews with special guests.
53. Jon Meacham hosts the It Was Said Podcast – Jon Meacham is a Pulitzer Prize-winning historian which he received for his best-selling book American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House. The It Was Said Podcast won the 2021 Webby Award for Best Podcast Series. It’s a documentary podcast written and narrated by Meacham about some of the most famous speeches of all time.
54. Eric Metaxas hosts The Eric Metaxas Show Podcast – Eric Metaxas is a conservative talk show host who wrote the best seller Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. His podcast is of his conservative talk show and features a notable guest in each episode.
55. Joyce Meyer hosts the Joyce Meyer Radio Podcast – Christian author and speaker Joyce Meyer has written many best-selling books including her most popular one The Battlefield of the Mind. Her podcast is of her radio broadcast, which is called Enjoying Everyday Life, and features 15-minute episodes.
56. Cal Newport hosts the Deep Questions with Cal Newport Podcast – Cal Newport’s work covers maintaining focus and avoiding distractions in the digital age, which he writes about in his best seller Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World. His podcast covers our digital world and how we can be more productive and surpass the noise of our technology-obsessed era.
57. Bill Nye hosts the Science Rules with Bill Nye Podcast – Bill Nye the Science Guy has authored a few best-selling science books including Undeniable: Evolution and the Science of Creation. On his Science Rules podcast seeks to answer scientific questions which he tackles with his guests.
58. Suze Orman hosts Suze Orman’s Women and Money Podcast – Suze Orman is a former financial advisor who has authored best sellers on personal finance including Women & Money. Her podcast features financial advice and answers to listener questions.
59. Joel Osteen hosts the Joel Osteen Audio Podcast – Pastor Joel Osteen has authored many best sellers including Your Best Life Now. His daily podcast features sermons from him and his wife, Victoria Osteen.
60. John Piper hosts the Ask Pastor John Piper Podcast – Pastor John Piper has authored many popular Christian books including Desiring God. On his podcast, he answers theological questions in over 2,000 episodes!
61. Dave Ramsey hosts The Dave Ramsey Show Podcast – Dave Ramsey offers financial advice on his nationally syndicated radio program The Ramsey Show. He has also authored best-selling books like The Total Money Makeover. His podcast is of his call-in radio show, where he answers your burning financial questions.
62. Tony Robbins hosts The Tony Robbins Podcast – Superstar motivational speaker Tony Robbins has published many best selling audio books including most recently Life Force: How New Breakthroughs in Precision Medicine Can Transform the Quality of Your Life & Those You Love. His podcast features interviews with other inspiring thinkers from the world of personal and professional growth.
63. & 64. Jon Ronson hosts The Butterfly Effect Podcast and the Things Fell Apart Podcast – Journalist Jon Ronson has authored prescient best-selling classics like So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed. His podcast, The Butterfly Effect, covers the wide-ranging effects that free pornography has had on individuals throughout the United States and the world. His other podcast from the BBC is called the Things Fell Apart Podcast and covers the history of many of the culture wars that have overtaken our public discourse.
65. Gretchen Rubin hosts the Happier with Gretchen Rubin Podcast – Gretchen Rubin is author of the book The Happiness Project. Her Happier with Gretchen Rubin Podcast continues her quest for finding practical ways to be happier in your daily life, with over 900 episodes on the feed!
66. Michael Sandel hosts The Public Philosopher – BBC Podcast – Michael Sandel is a political philosopher who wrote the book Justice: What’s the Right Thing to Do? based on his popular free Harvard course on YouTube. On his BBC podcast, The Public Philosopher, Sandel tackles current controversies from a philosophical perspective.
67. Arnold Schwarzenegger hosts Arnold’s Pump Club Podcast – Bodybuilder, actor, and politician Arnold Schwarzenegger has written two best sellers Total Recall: My Unbelievably True Life Story and his new book Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life. His new podcast, Arnold’s Pump Club, provides positive advice on health, fitness, and nutrition, all in under 10 minutes.
68. Ramit Sethi hosts the I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast – Ramit Sethi wrote the best-selling book I Will Teach You to Be Rich. His podcast features conversations with real couples where he provides them with financial advice.
69. Michael Shermer hosts The Michael Shermer Show Podcast Michael Shermer is director of The Skeptics Society and publisher of Skeptic magazine. He has written popular books like Why Darwin Matters: The Case for Evolution and Against Intelligent Design. His podcast features in-depth conversations leading scientists, philosophers, historians, scholars, writers, and thinkers about the most critical issues of our time.
70. Simon Sinek hosts the A Bit of Optimism Podcast – Simon Sinek has written several best-selling books on leadership including Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action. On his podcast, he interviews his guests on leadership and other ways to be positively influential.
71. Eckhart Tolle hosts the Eckhart Tolle: Essential Teachings Podcast – Eckhart Tolle is spiritual teacher who authored the best-selling books The Power of Now and A New Earth. His Essential Teachings Podcast features Tolle talking to audiences and answering their questions.
72. Neil deGrasse Tyson hosts the StarTalk Radio with Neil deGrasse Tyson Podcast – Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist and popular science communicator who has written some best-selling books like Astrophysics for People in a Hurry. His StarTalk Radio Podcast features interviews with guests from the world of science in over 800 episodes.
73. Iyanla Vanzant hosts the The R Spot with Iyanla Podcast – Iyanla Vanzant is a best-selling author of books like Peace from Broken Pieces. She’s a spiritual life coach, and her podcast features relationship advice for listeners who call in.
74. Gary Vaynerchuk hosts The GaryVee Audio Experience Podcast – Gary Vaynerchuk came to fame in the world of wine before he became a marketing guru. He has written several best-selling books, including Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion. His podcast episodes vary in length and cover ways to help you succeed in business.
75. Matthew Walker hosts The Matt Walker Podcast – Matthew Walker is a professor of neuroscience who specializes in studying sleep. His first book Why We Sleep: Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams was a best seller. His podcast also focuses on the science of sleep.
76. Rick Warren hosts the Daily Hope with Rick Warren Podcast – Pastor Rick Warren authored the huge Christian best seller The Purpose-Driven Life. His Daily Hope Podcast presents practical Christian teachings on many aspects of life.
77. Alan Watts is featured on the Alan Watts: Being in the Way Podcast – Alan Watts was an author and lecturer who interpreted Eastern religion and philosopher for a Western audience. He wrote best selling books like The Way of Zen and The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who You Are. The Alan Watts: Being in the Way Podcast features many of his recorded lectures with introductions by Alan’s son, Mark Watts.
78. Andrew Weil hosts the Body of Wonder Podcast – Dr. Andrew Weil is an author of many popular books on integrative medicine and healthy living including 8 Weeks to Optimum Health. His Body of Wonder Podcast features conversations with doctors and researchers discussing many topics on health and wellness.
79. Marianne Williamson hosts The Marianne Williamson Podcast – Marianne Williamson has written many best-selling self-help books including her most famous work A Return to Love. She ran for president in 2020 and is doing so again in 2024, so her podcast is currently more political while also bringing her spiritual wisdom to the table.
80. Oprah Winfrey hosts Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations Podcast – Oprah Winfrey is known her talk show The Oprah Winfrey Show that she hosted for 25 years. She has written a few best selling books, including What I Know for Sure. Since 2011, she has run her own TV network called OWN (Oprah Winfrey Network), which for ten years featured her show Super Soul Sunday. Her podcast offers hundreds of conversations from that show with some of the most popular authors on spiritual and personal growth, along with many celebrities.
81. Robert Wright hosts Robert Wright’s Nonzero Podcast – Robert Wright is an author and journalist on a wide range of topics who has written many books including the best seller Why Buddhism Is True. His Nonzero Podcast features conversations with other journalists and thinkers, mostly on the current topics of global politics.
Hopefully, some of those best-selling authors interest you, and you enjoy listening to their podcasts!
October 19, 2023
125 Podcasts Hosted by Celebrities
It seems that almost everyone has a podcast nowadays, from your average Joe to Arnold Schwarzenegger. We thought it’d be fun to put together a list of celebrities who are currently hosting their own podcasts.
This list is far from comprehensive. We’ve stuck mostly with celebrities in the world of movies, TV, and music, along with superstar comedians and some other big names in other fields. We went pretty deep, but didn’t go into YouTube stars or social media influencers or reality TV stars.
As we made the list, we knew a lot of the big celebrity podcasts, but were surprised to discover that certain famous people had a podcast! Browse our list and catch up with podcasts from your favorite celebrities! We’ll link to the podcast on our site if we currently feature it. Otherwise we’ll link to it on iTunes and Spotify. And we wrote a sentence about what each podcast is all about. Here are 125 Podcasts Hosted by Celebrities in alphabetical order. Enjoy!
4D with Demi Lovato Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Pop star Demi Lovato talks creativity with famous people.
The Adam Carolla Show Podcast – Cranky old Adam Carolla rants about current events with all sorts of famous guests.
All of the Above with Norman Lear Podcast – Norman Lear is 101 years old as of this writing! He created and produced many beloved TV shows of the 1970s. And he had a podcast back in 2017 and 2018 where he interviewed show biz folks.
Amy Schumer Presents: 3 Girls, 1 Keith Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Comedian and actress Amy Schumer is joined by Bridget Everett, Rachel Feinstein, and Keith Robinson as they dish pop culture and politics.
Anna Faris Is Unqualified Podcast – Actress Anna Faris has been in many movies and she’s been podcasting since back in 2015. She’s interviewed hundreds of famous people in over 400 episodes to date!
Archetypes Podcast with Meghan Markle – (Spotify) – Spotify paid Meghan, Duchess of Sussex about $20 million for an exclusive deal to host her podcast. Was it worth it?! Listen and find out! Only on Spotify!
Armchair Expert Podcast with Dax Shepard – I’m old enough to remember Dax Shepard back on MTV’s Punk’d. And he’s also been in some good movies like Idiocracy (2006). And he also has a super popular podcast where he interviews celebrities, journalists, and academics about life.
Arnold’s Pump Club Podcast with Arnold Schwarzenegger – He will PUMP, YOU UP! One of our favorite motivational podcasts currently is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Pump Club Podcast! In only about 5-10 minutes he’ll give some expert wisdom on health and fitness.
Bertcast Podcast with Bert Kreischer – Bert Kreischer is everywhere nowadays it seems. He’s that comedian with his shirt off. He likes to party and he’s recorded over 500 podcast episodes!
The Big Podcast with Shaquille O’Neal – Shaq Fu! Shaq Diesel! Retired NBA superstar Shaquille O’Neal has a podcast where he talks sports and pop culture with other athletes and stars.
Bill Burr’s Monday Morning Podcast – Bill Burr is a popular comedian with many specials under his belt. And he’s been podcasting since 2007 with over 1,000 episodes!
Bill Gates and Rashida Jones Ask Big Questions Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Short-lived podcast between Microsoft founder and philanthropist Bill Gates and actress Rashida Jones. Recorded during the pandemic, she asks Bill about COVID-19, inequality, climate change, and more.
The Bill Simmons Podcast: The Interviews – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Bill Simmons is sportswriter who eventually launched his pop culture website and podcast network The Ringer in 2016. This version of his popular podcast features just his interviews with celebrities.
Bjork: Sonic Symbolism Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Icelandic musician Bjork talks about her ten albums in ten podcast episodes.
Bob Saget’s Here For You Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Rest in peace comedian and actor Bob Saget. You probably remember him from America’s Funniest Home Videos or Full House. He had a podcast with over 100 episodes that you can still listen to.
Broad Ideas with Rachel Bilson Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – She was on the TV show The OC and has been in some movies. She started a podcast with her friends to talk about sex, mental health, and much more.
Bunny Ears Podcast with Macaulay Culkin – He was Kevin McCallister in Home Alone (1990). And he has a podcast!
Case 63 Podcast with Julianne Moore and Oscar Isaac – (iTunes) (Spotify) – A fictional podcast starring actors Julianne Moore and Oscar Isaac.
Choice Words with Samantha Bee Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – She had a TV show on TBS called Full Frontal with Samantha Bee for 12 years. Now she’s got a podcast where she dishes comedy and politics with comedians, politicians, and actors.
Clear and Vivid with Alan Alda Podcast – Alan Alda is the beloved star of the TV show MASH along with many other movies and TV shows. And at age 87 he’s still podcasting! He’s actually been at it for a while with over 250 episodes talking with a lot of smart people from all walks of life.
Club Random with Bill Maher Podcast – You might know Bill Maher from his HBO political talk show Real Time with Bill Maher, which is also a popular podcast. But do you really KNOW Bill? Join him in his basement club as he talks life with a random assortment of famous people from politicians to musicians to actors, and more. Let’s get random!
Club Shay Shay Podcast with Shannon Sharpe – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Retired NFL star Shannon Sharpe sits down with other athletes and celebrities to talk all things sports and more.
Conan O’Brien Needs A Friend Podcast – Comedian Conan O’Brien has been on late night TV for decades. Now he’s just got this podcast. Actually it’s a very popular podcast where he has interviewed hundreds of famous people.
Connections with Eva Longoria Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress Eva Longoria was on the TV show Desperate Housewives and has been in many movies. She briefly did a podcast back in 2022 about self-help topics that you can still listen to.
Creative Processing with Joseph Gordon-Levitt Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt had a 10-episode podcast back in 2019 about creativity with some other famous creatives.
Danica Patrick Pretty Intense Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – America’s favorite female racing driver has a podcast. She’s apparently intense and interviews guests who are intensely passionate about a wide variety of things.
Dirty Diana Podcast with Demi Moore – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress Demi Moore gets spicy in this sex-positive audio drama! Some other famous voices show up in this one as well.
Don’t Ask Tig Podcast with Tig Notaro – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Comedian Tig Notaro gives advice along with her guests.
Double Date with Marlo Thomas & Phil Donahue Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue have been married for over 40 years! Now in there 80s, they’re podcasting with other couples about what makes relationships work.
The Drew Barrymore Show Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress Drew Barrymore has a TV talk show on CBS. This is the podcast of that show featuring many interviews.
Dua Lipa: At Your Service Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Pop star Dua Lipa teamed up with the BBC to create this podcast interviewing other artists.
Edith! Podcast with Rosamund Pike – (iTunes) (Spotify) – British actress Rosamund Pike has been in many movies such as Gone Girl (2014). In this comedic scripted podcast she plays America’s first female President in an alternative history where Woodrow Wilson dies of a stroke and first lady Edith Wilson takes over.
Fake Doctors, Real Friends Podcast with Zach Braff and Donald Faison – (iTunes) (Spotify) – You might’ve known ’em from the TV show Scrubs. Zach Braff and Donald Faison rejoin for a comedy podcast where they look back at the show and also have some guests on.
Fat Man Beyond Podcast with Kevin Smith – Film director and pop culture geek Kevin Smith has many podcasts on his SModcast Podcast Network. This is one of them that is updating currently on geek culture.
Fly on the Wall with Dana Carvey and David Spade Podcast – Saturday Night Live legends Dana Carvey and David Spade share behind-the-scenes stories from their careers and talk with other famous comedians and celebrities.
Frosted Tips with Lance Bass Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Lance Bass was in the pop boy band NSYNC. Those frosted tips are back to guide you through adulting with other celebrities.
Getting Curious with Jonathan Van Ness Podcast – He was on the Netflix series Queer Eye and he’s got a very popular podcast. He talks with brilliant experts on many topics.
Gilbert Gottfried’s Amazing Colossal Podcast – Rest in peace comedian Gilbert Gottfried. He had a podcast for many years and it’s still updated with encore shows. Over 800 episodes on the feed! He interviewed all sorts of people.
Gold Minds with Kevin Hart Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Comedian Kevin Hart has been podcasting! He sits down with many brilliant minds mostly in entertainment. Over 100 episodes on the feed to choose from!
Good For You Podcast with Whitney Cummings – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Comedian Whitney Cummings was on 2 Broke Girls and many other TV shows and movies. In her podcast she interviews all sorts of comedic weirdos.
Good Friend with Jamie Lee Curtis Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Beloved actress Jamie Lee Curtis has a podcast. She sits down with her friends to talk about friendship.
The Goop Podcast with Gwyneth Paltrow – Gwyneth Paltrow has been running her Goop lifestyle empire since 2008. Her Goop Podcast features over 400 episodes talking to people who are making a difference.
High Low with EmRata Podcast AKA Emily Ratajkowski – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Model Emily Ratajkowski has 30 million Instagram followers. And she’s got a podcast talking about high and low culture with various people.
History’s Secret Heroes Podcast with Helena Bonham Carter – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress Helena Bonham Carter hosts this history podcast from the BBC about World War Two stories.
Hotboxin’ With Mike Tyson Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Iron Mike Tyson has a podcast! The boxer trades verbal jabs with celebrities and athletes.
How Rude, Tanneritos! Podcast with Jodie Sweetin and Andrea Barber – (iTunes) (Spotify) – You knew them as Stephanie Tanner and Kimmy Gibbler on Full House. They’re rewatching that show and bringing you along for the ride.
Howie Mandel Does Stuff Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – OCD comedian and America’s Got Talent judge Howie Mandel hosts this podcast interviewing people from pop culture.
I Am Paris Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Paris Hilton has a podcast! She goes like super in depth with her super famous guests.
Ice-T’s Daily Game Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Was happy to learn that rapper Ice-T has a podcast. He gives you hardcore self-improvement wisdom in 5 minute episodes.
ID10T with Chris Hardwick Podcast – Chris Hardwick got famous with his Nerdist Podcast Network and he had a late night TV show on Comedy Central. Now he’s got this podcast called ID10T with famous guests.
In Bed with Nick and Megan Podcast featuring Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Real life couple Nick Offerman and Megan Mullally are comedic actors and have been together for 20 years. During the pandemic they recorded a podcast in their bed from which they interviewed people.
In Fact with Chelsea Clinton Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Bill and Hillary Clinton’s daughter Chelsea has a podcast where she talks with guests about women’s issues and other things.
The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast – He needs no introduction! The most famous podcaster in the world: Joseph James Rogan!! Only on Spotify.
Joy, a Podcast with Craig Ferguson – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Late-night talk show host Craig Ferguson interviews famous people to bring about joy.
Julie’s Library Podcast with Julie Andrews – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Beloved actress Julie Andrews hosted this story time podcast for kids in 2020.
Just Jack & Will with Sean Hayes and Eric McCormack Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Sean Hayes was Jack McFarland and Eric McCormack was Will Truman on Will & Grace. Now they have a podcast together where they re-watch Will & Grace with fellow cast members and other guests.
Next Question with Katie Couric Podcast – News anchor Katie Couric is on the podcast airwaves with her own interview show featuring over 250 episodes.
Kim Kardashian’s The System: The Case of Kevin Keith Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Kim Kardashian is one of the most famous people in the world. She hosts this 8-episode podcast about a legal case of wrongful conviction. It’s only got 19 ratings on iTunes?! Listen to Kim people!
Late Night with Seth Meyers Podcast – Late Night with Seth Meyers airs on NBC. But if you miss it, then catch an audio edition on this podcast.
The Late Show Pod Show with Stephen Colbert Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – The Late Show with Stephen Colbert airs on CBS. But if you miss it, then catch an audio edition on this podcast.
LeVar Burton Reads Podcast – You may know actor LeVar Burton from Star Trek: The Next Generation or Roots or Reading Rainbow. In this popular podcast he reads to you short fiction from many authors.
Lewis Black’s Rantcast Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Angry comedian Lewis Black likes to rant and he does so in this podcast.
The Life Gorgeous Podcast with Craig Kilborn – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Craig Kilborn was a beloved late-night talk show host. Now he’s drinking with friends and talking about it on this podcast.
Life is Short with Justin Long Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – May I remind you that Justin Long played the cool Mac guy in Apple’s “Get a Mac” campaign. He’s also been in many movies. In this podcast he interviews actors, musicians, and deep thinkers that interest him.
Life Will Be the Death of Me with Chelsea Handler Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Comedian Chelsea Handler conducts raw conversations in this podcast of self-discovery.
Literally! With Rob Lowe Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actor Rob Lowe has a popular podcast interviewing guests from the world of movies, TV, sports, music, and culture.
The Margaret Cho Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Comedian Margaret Cho talks about Asian hate crimes and other things with her guests.
The Martha Stewart Podcast – Lifestyle expert Martha Stewart talks with all sorts of people about home and gardening and other things.
Mayim Bialik’s Breakdown Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress Mayim Bialik is known for her roles on the TV shows Blossom and The Big Bang Theory. She also has her doctorate in neuroscience and now hosts this podcast on mental health issues.
Meaningful Conversations with Maria Shriver Podcast – Journalist and author Maria Shriver hosted this podcast back in 2019 where she talked to leading thinkers in the self development space mostly.
Michelle Obama: The Light Podcast – Former First Lady Michelle Obama has a podcast where she talks with family, friends, and colleagues.
Minnie Questions with Minnie Driver Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress Minnie Driver was in Good Will Hunting (1997) among other movies and TV shows. In this podcast she sits down with experts and asks them the same seven questions.
Moby Pod Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Electronic musician Moby hosts this podcast about music, animal activism, and more.
Nappy Boy Radio with T-Pain Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Auto-Tune king T-Pain has his own podcast where he talks hip hop and more with all sorts of guests.
Norah Jones Is Playing Along Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Singer/songwriter Norah Jones sits down with fellow musicians to play music together and engage in conversation.
Now What? with Brooke Shields Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress Brooke Shields is joined by authors, experts, and celebrity guests to talk about making big changes in one’s life and other life lessons.
Office Ladies Podcast with Jenna Fischer and Angela Kinsey – (iTunes) (Spotify) – If you watched the TV show The Office you knew them as Pam Beesly and Angela Martin. They’re best friends in real life and they’re doing a re-watch of The Office just for you.
On Air With Ryan Seacrest Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Podcast of Ryan Seacrest’s weekday radio show which he’s been doing since 2004 on L.A.’s Top 40 station 102.7 KIIS-FM. Seacrest out!
ON With Mario Daily Podcast with Mario Lopez – (iTunes) (Spotify) – You knew him as A.C. Slater on Saved by the Bell. Well he’s got a radio show with his wife and co-host Courtney Lopez called ON with Mario Lopez. It’s about entertainment news and this podcast is a portion of the show.
Onward with Rosie O’Donnell Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress and TV talk show host Rosie O’Donnell has a podcast where she interviews friends, celebrities, newsmakers, artists, poets, and TikTokers.
Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations Podcast – She was one of the greatest TV talk show hosts of all time. She’s an author, actress, and now media executive with her OWN TV network (the Oprah Winfrey Network). One of the programs on the network is a self-help talk show she hosts called Super Soul Sunday, which has been airing since 2011. On her SuperSoul Conversations Podcast, she interviews experts in the realm of personal and spiritual growth along with many big name celebrities.
The Osbournes Podcast with Jack, Sharon, Ozzy, and Kelly Osbourne – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Ozzy Osbourne changed music history with his heavy metal band Black Sabbath, and then he changed reality TV with his MTV reality show The Osbournes, along with his wife Sharon and two kids Kelly and Jack. That crazy family is back in this humorous podcast.
Penn’s Sunday School Podcast with Penn Jillette – Magician Penn Jillette of Penn & Teller fame hosts this podcast about the news of the week.
People’s Party with Talib Kweli Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Hip-hop artist Talib Kweli talks hip hop culture with other musicians and celebrity guests.
Pod Meets World Podcast with Danielle Fishel, Will Friedle, and Rider Strong – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Fans of the TV show Boy Meets World might enjoy this podcast where these former cast members rewatch every episode and talk about it.
The Problem With Jon Stewart Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – For over 15 years he was the host of The Daily Show. Now he hosts this show called The Problem with Jon Stewart on Apple TV+. This is the podcast of that show that deals with politics.
Questlove Supreme Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Questlove rose to prominence with the hip hop band the Roots. On this podcast he digs deep into music history with his famous guests.
Raised By Ricki with Ricki Lake and Kalen Allen Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress and TV talk show host Ricki Lake takes a look back at her 90s talk show Ricki Lake, and dishes on other pop culture news.
Read with Jenna Podcast with Jenna Bush Hager – (iTunes) (Spotify) – She is former President George W. Bush’s daughter, and in this podcast Jenna Bush Hager talks to her favorite authors about writing and books.
The Real Heal with Alicia Silverstone Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress Alicia Silverstone hosts this podcast about how to heal ourselves and the planet with special guests. She only did 10 episodes and she has since pod-faded.
Real Ones with with Jon Bernthal Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – You might recognize actor Jon Bernthal from TV’s The Walking Dead or one of the many movies he has been in. In this podcast he gets real with everyday people from all walks of life, along with some celebrities.
Really? No, Really? Podcast with Jason Alexander and Peter Tilden – (iTunes) (Spotify) – He was George Costanza on Seinfeld, and since then he’s been in many movies and TV shows. Him and his co-host cover crazy topics with special guests.
Red Table Talk Podcast with Jada Pinkett-Smith, Willow Smith, and Adrienne Banfield-Norris – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress Jada Pinkett-Smith, daughter Willow Smith, and mother Adrienne Banfield-Norris have revealing conversations in this Facebook Watch Original that is also a podcast.
Red Table Talk: The Estefans Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Musician Gloria Estefan, her daughter Emily Estefan, and her niece Lili Estefan have revealing conversations at the iconic Red Table.
The Ron Burgundy Podcast with Will Ferrell – Comedian Will Ferrell is known as Ron Burgundy in his hit movie Anchorman (2004). He returned as that character in this comedy podcast that featured over 60 episodes with famous guests.
The Roseanne Barr Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Comedian and actress Roseanne Barr has entered the world of podcasting, where she interviews political thinkers and other entertainers.
RuPaul: What’s the Tee? Podcast – (Spotify) – Drag queen RuPaul hosts the popular RuPaul’s Drag Race TV show. She also hosts this podcast featuring celebrity guests.
The Sarah Silverman Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Comedian Sarah Silverman hosts this podcast where she talks about all sorts of things including politics.
Say More with Dr? Sheila Podcast with Amy Poehler – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Comedian Amy Poehler hosts this podcast where she pretends to be a famous couples therapist. She talks with couples about their problems featuring many comedic guests.
Science Rules! with Bill Nye Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Everyone’s favorite celebrity scientist Bill Nye answers science questions on many science topics.
Sibling Revelry with Kate Hudson and Oliver Hudson Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress Kate Hudson and her actor brother Oliver Hudson talk with other siblings about brotherhood and sisterhood.
Six Degrees with Kevin Bacon Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Everything connects back to Kevin Bacon and he’s even got a podcast now. He’s using this podcast to highlight his favorite charitable organizations and the people who run them.
The Smartest Man in the World Podcast with Greg Proops – Comedian Greg Proops has been podcasting since 2010. Listen to one of over 500 episodes!
SmartLess Podcast with Jason Bateman, Sean Hayes, & Will Arnett – SmartLess is very popular podcast featuring all sorts of famous surprise guests.
The Squeeze Podcast with Taylor Lautner & his wife Taylor Lautner – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actor Taylor Lautner was in the The Twilight Saga films. Now he’s podcasting with his wife Taylor, and they talk about mental health and well being with their guests.
StarTalk Radio with Neil deGrasse Tyson Podcast – Everyone’s favorite celebrity astrophysicist, Neil deGrasse Tyson, hosts this podcast about science and pop culture with celebrity guests and scientists. Currently over 800 episodes to choose from!
The Steve Harvey Morning Show Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Comedian Steve Harvey hosts the nationally syndicated Steve Harvey Morning Show and this is their 90-minute podcast.
Tell Me with Ellen Pompeo Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Actress Ellen Pompeo was on the TV show Grey’s Anatomy for 18 seasons since 2005. Now she’s got a conversational podcast with her celebrity friends.
Tetragrammaton with Rick Rubin Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Music producer Rick Rubin has worked with many famous musical acts across genres from hip hop to heavy metal to country. In this podcast he conducts interviews with other creative artists and interesting people.
This Past Weekend with Theo Von Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Comedian Theo Von has been podcasting since 2016 and he seems to be a rising star.
The Three Questions with Andy Richter Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Comedian Andy Richter talks with famous people and asks them: Where do you come from? Where are you going? What have you learned?
Threedom Podcast with Scott Aukerman, Lauren Lapkus and Paul F. Tompkins – (iTunes) (Spotify) – These three comedians have a lot of other podcasts as well and now they’re joining to make you laugh.
The Tom Green Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – You might know him from The Tom Green Show or his cult classic film Freddy Got Fingered (2001). He had a podcast which he recorded mostly during COVID.
U Talkin’ U2 To Me? Podcast with Adam Scott and Scott Aukerman – Comedians Adam Scott and Scott Aukerman talk about all the albums of U2, REM, Talking Heads, and currently Bruce Springsteen.
Under The Skin with Russell Brand Podcast – Comedian Russell Brand’s podcast about contemporary issues with a variety of guests.
The Video Archives Podcast with Quentin Tarantino and Roger Avary – Filmmaker Quentin Tarantino and his Pulp Fiction co-writer Roger Avary unite for this movie podcast to talk about old movies from their video rental store clerk days. Great podcast for film buffs!
Welcome to Our Show Podcast with Zooey Deschanel, Hannah Simone, and Lamorne Morris – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Another re-watch podcast this time featuring Zooey Deschanel, Hannah Simone, and Lamorne Morris from the sitcom New Girl.
Wholly Human with LeAnn Rimes Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Country singer LeAnn Rimes talks with inspirational guests about what it means to be fully human.
Why Am I Telling You This? with Bill Clinton Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Former President Bill Clinton has a podcast! He talks with political thinkers and other fascinating people.
Wild Ride! with Steve-O Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Steve-O was on the TV show Jackass and its numerous movies. He’s got a podcast of hilarious conversations with celebrities.
Wiser Than Me with Julia Louis-Dreyfus Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – You probably know her as Elaine Benes from Seinfeld or Selina Meyer on Veep. Julia Louis-Dreyfus has a podcast talking with famous older women about how to live a meaningful life.
WNYC’s Here’s The Thing Podcast with Alec Baldwin – Actor Alec Baldwin has been podcasting since 2011. He has interviewed many famous artists and thinkers over the years with over 300 interviews on the podcast feed.
Wrestling with Freddie Podcast with Freddie Prinze Jr. – (iTunes) (Spotify) – Freddie Prinze Jr. has been in a lot of movies and TV shows. And he’s really into pro wrestling so he started this podcast about it.
WTF with Marc Maron Podcast – Comedian Marc Maron is probably most famous for podcasting! He’s hosted his popular WTF with Marc Maron Podcast since 2009 and has now interviewed more than 1,000 guests! Mostly artists and entertainers talking about their lives.
You and Me Both with Hillary Clinton Podcast – (iTunes) (Spotify) – She’s a former First Lady, U.S. Senator, and Secretary of State. And she has a podcast of candid conversations on politics and other topics.
That’s a lot of celebrity podcasts! Hopefully you find a few you like!
October 16, 2023
20 Best Daily News Podcasts
With the popularity of podcasts like The Daily from The New York Times and The Journal from The Wall Street Journal, there have been dozens of new journalism podcasts launched that release episodes on a daily basis and cover the news throughout the world. These podcasts vary in time and depth, catering to people who want their news quickly or those who want more in-depth analysis of specific news stories. And with many daily news podcasts to choose from, listeners can also pick and choose which stories interest them most.
Whether you just want the latest headlines or you want to listen to journalists deeply discuss stories you might not hear about otherwise, we’ve created this list of the 20 Best Daily News Podcasts to help you find the best news coverage you’re looking for. These podcasts come from numerous countries, and often focus on specific topics of news like politics, business, or global affairs. Our suggestion is to subscribe to a bunch of them, so you have many news stories to choose from when you’re navigating your latest podcast episodes. These podcasts are a great way to stay informed while on-the-go and learn about major events happening in your country or across the globe. In a somewhat ranked order, here are our picks for the 20 Best Daily News Podcasts to learn from, with reviews of each podcast:
1. Wall Street Journal’s The Journal Podcast
The Journal is a daily news podcast offered Monday through Friday by the Wall Street Journal. Structured similarly to the popular New York Times’ The Daily Podcast, this podcast features a host interviewing a Wall Street Journal colleague about one of the major news stories of the day. The hosts are either Kate Linebaugh or Ryan Knuston, who both do an excellent job of digging into the story with their interview questions. Each 15-20 minute episode covers a particular news story well with added audio clips from broadcast news along with a bit of music and sound effects for additional listening flair. Like the New York Times’ The Daily Podcast, each episode of The Journal is named specifically for what it will be covering in that episode, which helps you decide which ones you’re most interested in. Because it’s the Wall Street Journal, the episodes tend to focus on business and economic-related stories more than other daily news podcasts. While some of the episodes are related to business, many of them also cover social and political issues. If you enjoy the New York Times’ The Daily Podcast, then Wall Street Journal’s The Journal Podcast is also a very good daily news podcast to subscribe to.
2. New York Times The Daily Podcast
In this popular daily podcast from The New York Times, host Michael Barbaro covers one of the day’s top news stories with journalists’ interviews about this story and audio clips of the news events spliced in. It’s one of the best podcasts for catching up on the top news stories of the day from a newspaper that often drives the daily news cycle with its in-depth reporting. The podcast covers primarily politics, both global and domestic, along with major news stories that are unfolding in the United States. The podcast started in February of 2017, and you can go back through the whole archive of over 2,000 podcast episodes to listen to the stories you are interested in. Learn about these eventful times with this top-rated podcast from The New York Times.
The BBC Global News Podcast is a daily news podcast that covers many top stories from around the world in about 30 minutes. The episodes are twice a day on weekdays and once a day on weekends. At the top of the podcast, the host mentions some of the headlines that will be covered in the episode. Each episode features about ten quick stories covering news from around the globe. BBC correspondents chime in, along with short interviews of people involved in the news stories. They’ll sometimes throw in a lighter story to lessen the weight of the global tragedies happening every day. For those interested in keeping up with global news delivered in a straightforward British manner, this podcast from the British Broadcasting Corporation is a very good listen.
Led by Sean Rameswaram, Today, Explained brings together Vox Media’s team of explainers to break down the news into a 20-minute, daily podcast released every afternoon. With each episode, Rameswaram tries to simplify what’s happening in world affairs, domestic politics, cultural trends, and more. This podcast is comparable to the New York Times Daily Podcast and serves as a nice complement to round out your daily news intake and get your head around the most important issues of the week.
Up First is a daily news podcast from National Public Radio. In each 15-minute episode, they cover about three major news stories dominating headlines for that day. Their coverage is in the classic NPR style, with various NPR correspondents chiming in about each story. They don’t get too in-depth on any given story, but it’s a good overview of some of the top news for that day. On Sundays, they feature a longer Sunday Story that showcases an NPR journalist who reports on a specific news story that might not be making headlines. It’s a well-done daily news podcast that’s easy to fit into your daily listening.
6. Slate’s What Next: Daily News and Analysis Podcast
Slate’s What Next offers a daily assessment of the news that provides listeners with a broad understanding of the biggest headlines in a format that can be listened to in roughly 20 minutes. Host Mary Harris asks questions from a listener’s point of view, probing the experts to understand what’s happening and how to understand it. An excellent podcast for those looking for a wider variety of essential news in one episode, presented every morning.
7. Guardian UK: Today in Focus Podcast
If you’re looking to explore some news stories in-depth and beyond the headlines, then the Today in Focus Podcast from the Guardian UK offers some quality journalism. Their episodes generally run about 30 minutes and focus on one story. Hosts Nosheen Iqbal and Michael Safi interview journalists, authors, and other newsmakers about the story. Some of these episodes cover news that is making headlines, but often, they are covering stories that might be of general interest but aren’t the major headlines. Sometimes, they feature a multi-episode series over several days to delve deeper into a story. They cover news from around the World and sometimes focus more on England since they’re based in the UK. The Guardian newspaper has been around since the 19th century, and this daily podcast continues in their tradition of exemplary journalism.
The Axios Today Podcast briefly covers some of the day’s top stories in about 10 minutes. Host Niala Boodhoo starts each podcast with their “One Big Thing” story. This segment covers the story in the title of the episode in about 5 minutes. She interviews Axios reporters about the topic. In the last 5 minutes of the podcast, she covers some of the day’s top headlines and usually a couple more stories. The podcast also encourages feedback from listeners and responds to their questions and comments in episodes. If you like your daily news short and to the point, then Axios Today is definitely worth subscribing to.
The Post Reports Podcast differentiates itself from similar daily news podcasts thanks to the in-depth reporting and expert analysis that is the hallmark of Washington Post reporting. With each episode, listeners get a deeper look at the stories that underpin the current events, from field reports on America’s mental health crisis to frontline reports from conflict areas across the globe.
The Big Take podcast offers daily long-form news reporting, presented by Bloomberg with a sober-minded tone reminiscent of NPR and PBS. Host Wes Kosova speaks with an international network of expert journalists, touching on topics that range from geopolitical intrigue to tech industry innovation to the economic insight that one would expect from Bloomberg News. The Big Take is a must for listeners seeking deeper analysis from some of the best reporters working on the stories of the places, people, and trends shaping the world around us every day.
PRI’s The World Podcast is a daily world news magazine that is a co-production of Public Radio International, the BBC World Service, and WGBH in Boston. Hosted by Marco Werman, each show covers world news and interesting stories from around the world in public radio’s signature style. Each show runs about 45 minutes, and they are put out by PRI Monday through Friday, with two weeks of episodes remaining on the podcast feed. In addition to global political news, they also cover economics, language, and music from around the globe. You’ll also hear stories of a more personal nature as their reporters interview individuals throughout the world. Enjoy this popular public radio program that is broadcast on over 300 stations across North America.
The Intelligence from The Economist magazine is their daily podcast covering three major global news stories every weekday. The episodes run between 20 to 30 minutes long and feature news stories from around the World. The episodes are named according to the first story they cover and usually take up the first 10 minutes of the podcast. The hosts will interview journalists from The Economist, which is a British weekly magazine that offers numerous podcasts. Most of their other podcasts are weekly, but The Intelligence is daily and provides quick and formal coverage of some top global news stories. They don’t offer too many bells and whistles in their audio production, and their hosts aren’t very charismatic, but it’s quality journalism from a respected magazine. You can also get The Intelligence podcast by subscribing to their main podcast simply called The Economist Podcast, which offers episodes from all of their podcasts.
13. NPR: Consider This Podcast
Consider This from National Public Radio offers bite-sized stories focusing on some of the day’s most important stories. Topics run the gamut from national affairs to domestic politics to regional and local reports from participating member stations. Presented with the high quality expected of NPR, Consider balances a broad spectrum of stories that feel fuller than the average 15-minute episode length may imply.
For daily business news, the Wall Street Journal’s What’s News Podcast is a good brief podcast that runs Monday through Friday with episodes in both the morning and evening (AM and PM editions). Each podcast runs for about 15 minutes and covers the major business news headlines of the day. A host interviews Wall Street Journal reporters about three or four stories making headlines. While most of the stories are business-related, they also cover some major stories outside of the economy. If you like your business news quick and straight to the point, then this podcast is worth subscribing to and listening to.
15. Monocle 24: The Globalist Podcast
Monocle 24 is an internet radio station out of London that has been broadcasting for over a decade now. One of their best podcasts is The Globalist Podcast currently hosted by Georgina Godwin. It’s a one-hour program released Monday through Friday covering major news from around the globe. While it’s similar to the BBC Global News Podcast, it offers more analysis and longer interviews in its hour-long format. At the top of the hour, the host mentions many of the stories that will be covered in that day’s episode. Based out of London, it provides more focus on the news in Europe. If you’re interested in global politics and current affairs, then it’s a good listen. For more podcasts from Monocle, check out our Monocle Podcasts page.
16. NewsHour Full Program – PBS Podcast
The PBS NewsHour is a nightly TV news program that has been broadcasting since 1983. For many years, it was hosted by Jim Lehrer and was later hosted by Gwen Ifill and Judy Woodruff. Today, it is hosted by Amna Nawaz and Geoff Bennett. The public TV program is more audio-based and less image-focused than network nightly news or cable news, so it is easy to listen to as a podcast. It covers some of the day’s top stories before breaking the show into segments of analysis of each story. The hosts interview PBS news correspondents along with other journalists and political figures. The show is more focused on global news than typical network news shows. At the end of each program, a section is devoted to arts and culture. In addition to the full broadcast, you can also listen to the podcast in segments as individual stories on the NewsHour Segments – PBS Podcast. It’s a quality nightly news program for those interested in serious news rather than sensational or entertainment journalism.
17. CBC’s Front Burner Podcast
The Front Burner Podcast is a daily podcast from the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. This public radio podcast covers news stories related to Canada, along with some stories covering news in the United States and around the world. The podcast runs Monday through Friday and each episode is generally 20-30 minutes long. Host Jayme Poisson interviews other journalists about one particular news story for the day which they dig into. Whether you’re from Canada or you’re interested in Canadian news, this daily news podcast will help you understand significant news stories and how they affect Canadians today.
18. Financial Times News Briefing Podcast
The Financial Times is a British business newspaper, and in this podcast reporters from the Financial Times cover headlines from some of the most important stories of the day. This 10-minute podcast typically covers three or four top stories for the day mostly from the world of global business. Each Monday through Friday episode starts with a host mentioning the headlines that will be covered and then goes into the interviews of the host talking with Financial Times reporters from all over the world. While the focus is generally business, the podcast also gets into some global politics and other current affairs news. If you’re looking for a daily news podcast with an emphasis on global business news, check out the Financial Times News Briefing Podcast.
Crooked Media’s What a Day is a go-to podcast for an unabashedly progressive take on the headlines that balances irreverence with solid reporting. Each day, hosts Tre’vell Anderson, Priyanka Aribindi, Josie Duffy Rice, and Juanita Tolliver alternate stories, giving their takes on headlines that typically delve into the social issues that dominate American political discourse. What a Day manages to keep a lighter tone as it covers the day’s news and is a left-wing alternative to the typical talk radio experience.
20. ABC News: Start Here Podcast
The ABC News: Start Here Podcast covers three or four top news stories for the day in 20-30 minutes. Unlike the ABC Nightly News that you can watch on TV, this podcast is recorded specifically for audio with music and sound bytes. Host Brad Mielke interviews ABC News correspondents on various topics, starting with the subject named in the episode. They usually start with a major domestic story in the United States and then move on to more international news. The episodes feature “One Last Thing,” which is usually a humorous news story. If you like your news a little more light-hearted, then ABC News: Start Here is worth trying out.
So those are our picks of the 20 Best Daily News Podcasts out there currently. Subscribe to a handful of them and stay up to date on your daily news!
March 22, 2018
100 New & Notable Podcasts for 2018
In the past few years podcasting has been going through a Renaissance evolving from its origins of talk shows and radio programs to a new era of original content through digital storytelling complete with seasons as binge-worthy as your hottest Netflix show. After seeing this trend, we decided to greatly expand our podcast directory adding 5000 New Podcasts in Our Podcast Directory in January of 2017. We’ve been continually checking for the best podcasts on iTunes and also discovering amazing ones that aren’t making it to the top of iTunes charts. We’ve recently added 100s of more podcasts and today we’re highlighting 100 new and notable podcasts that we’ve added. As always we’re sticking to the best podcasts you can learn from. Enjoy these great new educational podcasts in our directory. We tried to divide them up by categories:
Change Agent Podcast – Podcast by Charles Duhigg, author of the bestselling book The Power of Habit. In the podcast Dughigg sets out to help everyday people solve tough personal problems with the help of novel methods.
The Solopreneur Hour Podcast – Interviews with icons and successful game changers on how to become profitably unemployable.
The One You Feed Podcast – Conversations about creating a life worth living. Host Eric Zimmer interviews experts on a variety of self help topics.
Something You Should Know Podcast – Host Mike Carruthers interviews top experts in their field to bring you fascinating information and advice on a great many topics.
From The Heart: Conversations with Yoga Girl Podcast – Yoga Girl Rachel Brathen shares practical and spiritual wisdom along with her guests.
Popular Mechanics Most Useful Podcast Ever Podcast – Life hacks from the classic magazine of popular science and technology.
Masters of Scale Podcast – Reid Hoffman hosts this educational podcast on how the leaders of the world’s biggest companies scaled up to the place they are today with interviews of Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg & Sheryl Sandberg, Netflix’s Reed Hastings, and Google’s Eric Schmidt.
The Goop Podcast – Gwyneth Paltrow’s lifestyle brand gets a podcast mostly about health and wellness.
Cutting Edge Consciousness Podcast – Older podcast but features interviews with many leading spiritual teachers.
Dream Big Podcast – 7-years-old Eva Karpman and her mom Olga Karpman interviews extraordinary achievers like General Stanley McChrystal, inventor Ray Kurzweil, and human guinea pig A.J. Jacobs. Family-friendly inspiration!
Getting In: Your College Admissions Companion Podcast – A real-time podcast following a diverse group of New York-area high school seniors through the process of applying to college with plenty of expert advice along the way.
Losing 100 Pounds Podcast – Master Weight Loss Coach Corinne has lost 100 pounds and is now coaching you how to lose weight.
Daily Meditation Podcast – Meditation coach Mary Meckley answers your questions and guides you on the journey of establishing a daily meditation ritual.
The Ultimate Health Podcast – Interview with world-class experts in the health & wellness community. Over 200 episodes to choose from.
The Psych Central Show Podcast – Candid chat on many different aspects of mental health & psychology.
Pray the Word with David Platt Podcast – Short, daily meditations on prayer featuring teacher, author, and pastor David Platt.
Oprah’s SuperSoul Conversations Podcast – Oprah Winfrey is now podcasting the conversations from her Super Soul Sunday TV show! Hear 30-60 minute long conversations with some of the most popular authors on spiritual and personal growth.
Where Should We Begin? Podcast – Relationship therapist Esther Perel takes you behind closed doors for the stories of 10 anonymous couples.
Under The Skin with Russell Brand Podcast – Comedian speaks with guests from the world of academia to help us to see the ulterior truth behind our constructed reality.
High Performance Habits Podcast – Late last year the bestselling author and leading personal development trainer Brendon Burchard put out a free abridged version of his new book High Performance Habits as a podcast!
The Goal Digger Podcast – Jenna Kutcher’s podcast for creative girl bosses.
American History Tellers Podcast – Multi-episode series on The Cold War, Prohibition, the Gold Rush, the Space Race, and more. Very entertaining history storytelling hosted by Lindsay Graham (not the Senator).
Slow Burn: A Watergate Podcast – In this 8-part investigative podcast hosted by Slate’s Leon Neyfakh, you’ll get a careful examination of the people that had a key political, legal, and cultural part to play in the Watergate scandal.
Unknown History Podcast – Short, fun history podcast covering little known stories in world history.
Ponzi Supernova Podcast – Original audio series from Audible.com covering Bernie Madoff’s $65 billion dollar Ponzi scheme and including interviews with Bernie Madoff from prison.
Presidents Are People Too! Podcast – Short Audible original series covering Franklin Pierce, Gerald Ford, Chester A. Arthur, George Washington, William Howard Taft, and Rutherford B. Hayes.
Making Obama/Making Oprah Podcast – Season One told the story of how Oprah built a media empire and Season Two tells the story of Obama’s climb from Chicago to the national stage.
Slate’s The Moment Podcast – Host Brian Koppelman interviews creative people about the pivotal moments that fueled fascinating creative careers.
ESPN: 30 For 30 Podcast – Very well produced audio documentaries on sports from ESPN, creators of the amazing 30 for 30 documentary series. They also interview some of the documentary filmmakers from the series.
Tides of History Podcast – Patrick Wyman, PhD sets up the makings of the modern world from the fall or Rome to the Renaissance.
Business Wars Podcast – Netflix vs. HBO. Nike vs. Adidas. Business is war! More fabulous storytelling from the podcast network Wondery.
This is War Podcast – A raw look at the combat and homecoming experience from American veterans who have been deployed in Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Fall of Rome Podcast – PhD historian and specialist Patrick Wyman outlines the fall of the Roman Empire in over 20 episodes.
LBJ’s War Podcast – From Public Radio International, a documentary in oral history form of Lyndon Johnson and the Vietnam War.
100:1 The Crack Legacy Podcast – Journalist Christopher Johnson traces the roots of today’s violent policing and mass-incarceration back to the war on drugs.
APM: Reports Documentaries Podcast – Over 100 of the best produced audio documentaries available dating back over two decades. APM Reports (formerly American RadioWorks) has now put them all on one podcast feed!
Today Explained Podcast – Led by host Sean Rameswaram, Today, Explained brings together Vox Media’s team of explainers to break down the news into a 20 minute, daily podcast released every afternoon.
Slate’s Working Podcast – Slate host Jacob Brogan goes out and interviews everyday Americans about their jobs.
Our National Conversation About Race Podcast – Lively multiracial conversation about the ways we talk about race.
WBEZ Resound Podcast – Short audio documentaries and stories from WBEZ in Chicago.
See Something Say Something Podcast – BuzzFeed’s Ahmed Ali Akbar gathers folks together to drink tea, tell stories, and talk about being Muslim in America.
The Ben Shapiro Show Podcast – Daily podcasts from this leading conservative voice.
NPR: It’s Been a Minute Podcast – Weekly wrap up show from NPR’s Sam Sanders.
Slate Politics Spoken Edition Podcast – The latest Slate.com political articles read by humans.
Radio Atlantic Podcast – A weekly show from the 160-year-old magazine hosted by Jeffrey Goldberg (Editor-in-Chief, The Atlantic), Matt Thompson (Executive Editor, The Atlantic), and Alex Wagner (Co-host, CBS This Morning: Saturday; Contributing Editor, The Atlantic).
POLITICO’s Pulse Check Podcast – Podcast on health care with interviews of the most interesting and influential people in health care.
The Atlantic Interview Podcast – Atlantic Editor in Chief Jeffrey Goldberg talks with the pivotal voices shaping politics, technology, art, media, business, and culture.
C-SPAN’s The Weekly Podcast – C-SPAN’s latest podcast features interviews that take you behind the scenes of what is happening in politics in Washington, D.C.
The Libertarian Podcast – Hoover Institution podcast featuring Richard Epstein on the latest news from a libertarian political perspective.
Slate’s Double X Podcast – Slate podcast focused on the latest news involving feminism and women’s issues.
The FRONTLINE Dispatch Podcast – FRONTLINE has launched their first audio-only podcast in The FRONTLINE Dispatch Podcast and it applies FRONTLINE’s investigative reporting to the podcast medium with superb audio documentaries.
The Writers Panel Podcast – Chat show with professional writers about the process and business of writing TV, film, comic books, music, novels, etc.
The Combat Jack Show Podcast – Interviews with hip hop icons and news from the world of hip hop music.
The New Yorker: The Writer’s Voice Podcast – New Yorker fiction writers read their stories.
NEA Big Read Audio Guides Podcast – Audio guides featuring readings from great books with commentary from artists, educators, and public figures. Short guides to The Great Gatsby, The Age of Innocence, To Kill a Mockingbird, Fahrenheit 451, and many other works of great literature.
All of the Above with Norman Lear Podcast – Entertainment legend Norman Lear (now 95 years old!) interviews many famous entertainers.
LeVar Burton Reads Podcast – Listen to short fiction read by the amazing actor and voice talent Levar Burton.
KPCC: The Frame Podcast – Hosted by longtime LA film writer John Horn, who talks to the people at the center of the creative universe in the world of film, TV, art and music.
HarperAudio Presents Podcast – Conversations with authors of major book releases from the publisher Harper Collins.
The New Yorker: Poetry Podcast – Readings and conversation with The New Yorker’s poetry editor, Kevin Young.
The Slash Filmcast Podcast – Discussion and debate over the latest movies from bloggers at the film site slashfilm.com.
AudioShelf Podcast – Finally a podcast for the audiobookworm! Podcasts about many audio books, mostly fiction.
Fictional Podcast – Modern adaptations of classic stories.
Homecoming Podcast – The first scripted audio series from Gimlet Media, starring Catherine Keener, Oscar Isaac, David Schwimmer, David Cross, Amy Sedaris, Michael Cera, and Spike Jonze. What a cast!
The Daily Show Podcast – The “Ears Edition” of Comedy Central’s The Daily Show hosted by Trevor Noah.
Launch Podcast – Screenwriter John August sets out to write his first novel and takes you along the ride.
The New York Public Library Podcast – Amazing wealth of talks and events featuring today’s best writers, artists, and thinkers. Over 200 episodes to choose from.
The Close-Up: Film Society of Lincoln Center Podcast – Film Society of Lincoln Center brings in major guests from the world of cinema including filmmakers, actors, critics, and more.
The Vergecast Podcast – Popular tech and gadget news podcast.
The Sporkful Podcast – Eating show hosted by Dan Pashman of Cooking Channel’s You’re Eating It Wrong and the book Eat More Better.
Antiques Roadshow – PBS Podcast – Behind-the-scenes of the fun PBS show on the world of antiques and collectibles.
The H3 Podcast – Comedy podcast featuring mostly YouTube superstars and hosted by the H3 duo of Ethan & Hila Klein.
2 Dope Queens Podcast – Live comedy podcast from Brooklyn featuring Phoebe Robinson and Jessica Williams and many other comedians.
Hi-Phi Nation Podcast – Professor Barry Lam’s storytelling podcast that raises philosophical questions and answers them with the help of contemporary academic philosophers.
The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast – Interviews & lectures from the now world famous psychologist and author of the current bestseller 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos.
Houston We Have a Podcast – Official podcast of the NASA Johnson Space Center, the home of human spaceflight, stationed in Houston, Texas.
NPR: Live from the Poundstone Institute Podcast – Comedy and random knowledge from Paula Poundstone and her team of experts.
The Butterfly Effect Podcast – This free series from Audible.com is a multi-part audio documentary by bestselling author Jon Ronson who examines the wide-ranging effects of free pornography.
Sincerely, X Podcast – TED and Audible.com teamed up for this series of talks from speakers whose ideas deserve to be heard, but whose identities must remain hidden.
Stay Tuned with Preet Podcast – Join Preet Bharara, the former U.S. Attorney who fought corruption, financial fraud and violent crime, in a podcast about justice and fairness.
WSJ The Future of Everything Podcast – Wall Street Journal podcast that takes a look at the future of technology.
Duolingo Spanish Podcast – Learn some Spanish from the creators of the popular language-learning platform.
And for you true crime fans we have added some of the most popular true crime podcasts to our podcast directory:
Dirty John Podcast – Complex web of love, deception, forgiveness, denial, and survival from the L.A. Times.
Up and Vanished Podcast – The unsolved disappearance of Georgia beauty queen and high school teacher, Tara Grinstead.
Cults Podcast – What goes on inside a cult? Let’s find out. Covers the Manson Family, the Branch Davidians, Heaven’s Gate, and many other cults.
Crimetown Podcast – Each season investigates the culture of crime in a different American city.
APM: In the Dark Podcast APM Reports Season 1 focused on the investigation of the abduction of Jacob Wetterling.
Atlanta Monster Podcast – Atlanta Monster aims to tell the true story of one of Atlanta’s darkest secrets, almost 40 years later.
Casefile True Crime Podcast – A new true crime case in ever episode.
Serial Killers Podcast – A psychological glimpse into the mind, methods and madness of the most notorious serial killers.
Unsolved Murders: True Crime Stories Podcast – Podcast drama with a modern twist on old time radio that delves into the mystery of true cold cases and unsolved murders.
The Vanished Podcast – Stories of those who have gone missing.
And for some lighter fare:
A Very Fatal Murder Podcast – The Onion puts together a pretty funny podcast satirizing the true crime podcasts that have become all the rage.
June 7, 2017
Top 15 Foreign Policy & World Affairs Podcasts
In recent years U.S. foreign policy and global affairs have become increasingly interesting to say the least. With ongoing crises happening in the Syrian Civil War and their refugee crisis, the war on ISIS and the fight against terrorism, the Russian-Ukrainian conflict and Russia’s meddling in the elections of other countries, heightened tensions on the Korean peninsula, the ongoing war in Afghanistan, the rise of populist nationalism in many Western countries, the threat of the break up of NATO and the European Union, hacking and cybersecurity, confronting global warming, international trade deals, and the list goes on and on.
One of the best ways to attempt to keep up with all the global news and to hear a diverse range of opinions on these issues facing the United States and the rest of the world, is by listening to the latest coverage from many excellent foreign policy and global affairs podcasts. Most major foreign policy think tanks and publications now have regular podcasts discussing the latest news and events, and public radio from the U.S. and the U.K. provide a number of excellent foreign affairs programs. We’ve assembled this list of 15 of the best foreign policy podcasts that cover global affairs. These podcasts feature interviews, news, analysis, and debate from foreign policy experts about what is happening now and what is coming next on the global stage.
1. The Global Politico Podcast
The Global Politico Podcast is one of the best new foreign policy podcasts, featuring in-depth interviews conducted by POLITICO’s Susan Glasser. Glasser has access to highly influential leaders and thinkers on the global stage including former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, NBC’s Andrea Mitchell, Iraq war architect Paul Wolfowitz, former Secretary of State Jim Baker, Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, Trump senior national security official Michael Anton, and many other key figures in American foreign policy. Glasser is not afraid to ask her guests challenging questions about their views and she keeps the interviews consistently compelling as she seeks to apply her guest’s knowledge to current events in the world.
2. Center for Strategic & International Studies Podcast
The Center for Strategic & International Studies (CSIS) Podcast provides serious discussion on geopolitical topics. Each week host Colm Quinn talks to a key foreign policy thinker about a major issue confronting the U.S. and the world. Topics range from cybersecurity to human rights to climate change to military defense, and Quinn seems very knowledgeable of all these issues as he navigates the latest news and developments each week.
Pod Save the World is the foreign affairs arm of the Crooked Media slate of progressive political news podcasts hosted by former Obama-administration insiders John Favreau, Tommy Vietor, and Jon Lovett. With this podcast, Vietor utilizes his first-hand National Security experience to discuss both past and current foreign policy matters. Washington insiders from a wide array of backgrounds are interviewed to discuss the fascinating inner workings, decisions, deals, and challenges that face policy makers in Washington.
4. The World Next Week Podcast
The World Next Week Podcast from the Council on Foreign Relations looks forward to the major upcoming events in global politics each week and how things might play out. CFR’s Director of Studies James M. Lindsay and CFR.org Managing Editor Robert J. McMahon offer their ideas regarding current global affairs, drawing on their deep knowledge of the history of foreign relations of the United States. In each 30-minute episode they cover a number of key topics that the world will face each week, and they also look back at what has happened recently in terms of major global events.
NPR’s Madeleine Brand hosts a monthly magazine-format podcast that dissects some of the biggest challenges shaping U.S. foreign policy. Set firmly in a post-Trump diplomatic world scene, Brand and a team of correspondents survey topics ranging from Middle East relations, emergent disease response, cyber threats, climate change developments, and more. Informative and well produced, the America Abroad Podcast puts you on the front lines with top-notch reporting that will keep you abreast of how the United States is maintaining its leadership role in a complex world.
6. WSJ Opinion: Foreign Edition Podcast
From the editorial board of the Wall Street Journal, Mary Kissel hosts a brief look at current world news. Episodes are short and to the point, averaging about 20 minutes, and packed with interviews designed to help shed light on the forces shaping the world, especially in relation to the United States foreign policy and security. Kissel’s point of view is in keeping with the conservative WSJ reputation, and is a valuable addition to your regular balance of daily news.
7. Foreign Policy’s The Editor’s Roundtable Podcast
For a casual roundtable of conversation about current U.S. foreign policy tune into Foreign Policy’s The Editor’s Roundtable Podcast. Foreign Policy magazine has been around since 1970, and their bimonthly magazine and website ForeignPolicy.com have become a popular platform for leading foreign policy contributors and politicians to express their views on global affairs. Based in Washington, D.C., this podcast features Foreign Policy magazine editors who consider themselves self-professed “foreign policy nerds”. They express their views on the latest news and topics, often with experts calling in from around the world to weigh in on contemporary issues. They aren’t afraid to throw in some humor to the mix as they openly discuss what U.S. foreign policy is today.
Global Dispatches is a podcast dedicated to in-depth conversations with academics, and expert personalities involved in current foreign affairs. With each episode, host Mark Leon Goldberg interviews figures on topics ranging from global nuclear security, climate change, US-China relations, the state of worldwide humanitarian relief, and more. Brief and to the point, Goldberg chooses his guests well, offering expert analysis to help better inform listeners on how big global challenges are being addressed (or not) on a diplomatic level.
PRI’s The World Podcast is a daily world news magazine that is a coproduction of Public Radio International, the BBC World Service, and WGBH in Boston. Hosted by Marco Werman, each show covers world news and interesting stories from around the world in public radio’s signature style. Each show runs about 45 minutes and they are put out by PRI Monday through Friday with two weeks of episodes remaining up on the podcast. In addition to global political news, they also cover economics, language, and music from around the globe. You’ll also hear stories of a more personal nature as their reporters interview individual throughout the world. Enjoy this popular public radio program that is broadcast on over 300 stations across North America.
10. From Our Own Correspondent – BBC Podcast
If you’d like to go beyond the headlines when hearing stories about what is happening around the world, listen to the BBC’s From Our Own Correspondent Podcast. This BBC radio show has been broadcasting since 1955 and features BBC foreign correspondents from around the globe reporting on specific stories that relate to current events. Often these correspondents travel to places that aren’t covered in the headlines of the day, and they provide news that might otherwise go uncovered. These 25-minute podcast episodes include good descriptions and the weekly episodes go back over several years on their podcast feed, so you can browse around for stories that interest you most.
11. When Diplomacy Fails Podcast
With the When Diplomacy Fails Podcast, host Zack Twamley takes you on a well-researched tour of the major figures, events, and political maneuvering involved in some of the great historical conflicts. Twamley doesn’t spare any details in multi-part episodes that take a deep dive into the preceding factors, dramatic clashes, and lasting consequences of wars that are mostly centered in Europe. This podcast is notable for the breadth and depth of detail, and is recommended for listeners particularly interested in European history and in World War I specifically. Learn about the past to understand the present state of international relations.
12. New Books in World Affairs Podcast
The New books in World Affairs Podcast is part of the larger New Books Podcast Network, which is focused on high-quality author interviews covering a variety of challenging, up-to-date topics. With this world affairs podcast, a revolving group of NBN moderators sit down to speak with authors that also happen to be leading thinkers in the fields of sociology, history, politics, and general philosophy. Episodes tend to be an hour-long, which provides ample time for authors to draw out the big ideas of a given book. This is a great podcast for serious readers interested in discovering new books in geopolitics, religious studies, intellectual history, and political theory.
13. Financial Times World Weekly Podcast
The Financial Times World Weekly Podcast is a brief, but informative foreign affairs podcast out of London. The show features weekly 20-minute discussions about specific events from the past week that will play a major role on the global stage. Coming out of the United Kingdom, this podcast delivers a nice outsider’s view of U.S. foreign policy while also relating global events as to how they will impact England. Major topics within the UK such as “Brexit” are also given more coverage.
14. Fareed Zakaria GPS Audio Podcast
Fareed Zakaria GPS, or Global Public Square, Podcast offers editorial commentary by Zakaria on world events on CNN. Zakaria brings in guests and journalists as they debate the current news with an emphasis on international issues and foreign affairs. Zakaria considers himself a “centrist” politically and his interviews and roundtables on the show provide a variety of opinions on global affairs from the mainstream cable news outlet of CNN.
Based in Chicago, WBEZ’s Worldview Podcast offers up-to-the-moment analysis of the current global news. Jerome McDonnell interviews a range of expert guests to examine U.S. foreign policy, and help us understand everything from Middle East hotspots to emerging Asian markets. This podcast is a digestible roundup of the key players, cultural pressure points, and historical trends that are shaping the world. The podcast also features commentaries on human rights and foreign film reviews.
January 31, 2017
5000 New Podcasts in Our Podcast Directory
It’s been months in the making, but we’ve just added over 5,000 new podcasts to our LearnOutLoud.com Podcast Directory, bringing our total number of educational podcasts in our directory to over 7,000. We combed through over 500,000 podcasts in the iTunes podcast directory to find the best of the best in terms of ratings, reviews, and educational subject matter. We also removed old podcasts from our directory that are no longer available. Browse them all by clicking below:
Browse Over 7,000 Podcasts on LearnOutLoud.com
We’ve gone through every subcategory and picked out 5 or 10 podcasts to feature for that subcategory. Browse this full list of featured podcasts below:
Arts & Entertainment Podcasts (Over 600 Titles)
Comedy Podcasts:
WTF with Marc Maron Podcast
The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast
Improv4Humans with Matt Besser Podcast
Comedy Central Stand-Up Video Podcast
Comedy Bang Bang Radio Podcast
Film, Music, Radio, TV, & Pop Culture Podcasts:
Voice Film Club Podcast
Maltin on Movies Podcast
Jazz Stories at Lincoln Center Podcast
Desert Island Discs Podcast
Bret Easton Ellis Podcast
You Must Remember This Podcast
Orson Welles: On The Air Podcast
NPR: Pop Culture Happy Hour Podcast
NPR: All Songs Considered Podcast
KCRW’s The Treatment Podcast
Painting, Architecture, & Sculpture Podcasts:
EntreArchitect Podcast
Diversity of Urban Art Podcast
BBC Radio 3: Arts and Ideas Podcast
KCRW’s Art Talk Podcast
MoMA Think Modern Lectures Podcast
Theater, Opera, & Classical Music Podcasts:
San Diego Opera Video Podcast
Met Opera Guild Podcast
Classical Music in America Podcast
Broadway Radio Podcast
American Theatre’s Offscript Podcast
Biography Podcasts (Over 100 Titles)
Artists Podcasts:
Talking Smooth Jazz Podcast
Beethoven Rocks Podcast
Artist Decoded by Yoshino Podcast
Anais Nin Podcast
5 Minute Biographies Podcast
Everyday People Podcasts:
Tangentially Speaking Podcast
Ordinary People Doing Extraordinary Things Podcast
Journals: Out Loud Podcast
Grownups Read Things They Wrote as Kids Podcast
Everyday Superhumans Podcast
Military Figures Podcasts:
Veteran Resource Podcast
Sidearm Podcast
Napoleon: The Man and the Myths Podcast
Command Your Business: Military Veterans Entrepreneurs Podcast
1, 2, Many Podcast
Political Figures Podcasts:
Talking Lincoln Podcast
Russian Rulers History Podcast
Life of Caesar Podcast
La Trobe Biography Podcast
Giants of History Podcast
Business Podcasts (Over 1200 Titles)
Business Leaders Podcasts:
Your Mark on the World Podcast
Renegade Millionaire Show Podcast
Power Players Podcast
Masters in Business Podcast
CEO Spotlight Podcast
Economics Podcasts:
Who Makes Cents?: A History of Capitalism Podcast
Talking Economics Podcast
Talk Poverty Radio Podcast
IMF Podcast
Economics Detective Radio Podcast
Entrepreneurship Podcasts:
Womenpreneur Podcast
The Top Entrepreneurs Podcast
The Entrepreneur Unleashed Podcast
Superhuman Entrepreneur Podcast
Startup School Radio Podcast
Planning Your Leap into Business Podcast
Inc. Radio Podcast
Foundr Magazine Podcast
Entrepreneur 2.0 Podcast
Advancing Entrepreneur Podcast
Investing & Finance Podcasts:
WSJ MoneyBeat Podcast
We Study Billionaires: The Investors Podcast
Trading Stocks Made Easy Podcast
Optimal Finance Daily Podcast
Motley Fool Answers Podcast
Money For the Rest of Us Podcast
Investools Radio Podcast
Invested: The Rule #1 Podcast
Financial Independence Podcast
Enjoying Life on a Budget Podcast
Leadership & Management Podcasts:
Transformational Leadership Podcast
Project Management Podcast
Leading Conversations Podcast
Leaders Inspire Leaders Podcast
Engaging Leader Podcast
Public Speaking Podcasts:
The Toastmasters Podcast
Stand Out Get Noticed Podcast
Speaking with T.J. Walker Podcast
How to Make Powerful Speeches Podcast
Dynamic Communicators Podcast
Real Estate Podcasts:
Sell More Houses Podcast
Rental Income Podcast
REIology: Real Estate Investing Simplified Podcast
Real Estate License Roadmap Podcast
Real Estate Investing Mastery Podcast
Real Estate Agent Podcast
Passive Real Estate Investing Podcast
Landlord University Podcast
Just Start Real Estate Podcast
FlipNerd: Real Estate Investing Podcast
Sales & Marketing Podcasts:
The Truth About Marketing Podcast
Social Media Marketing Podcast
Smarter Marketer Radio Podcast
Small Business Marketing Minute Podcast
Selling More by Talking Less Podcast
Revenue Love: Sales Domination Podcast
Marketing Nerds by Search Engine Journal Podcast
Guerrilla Marketing Radio Podcast
Customers for Life Podcast
AdVerve Podcast
Strategy Podcasts:
Up In Your Business Podcast
Rules of Success Podcast
My Business On Purpose Podcast
Everyday MBA Podcast
Build Your Tribe Podcast
Wealth Podcasts:
WSJ Watching Your Wealth Podcast
Pathways to Wealth Podcast
Jason Hartman’s The Speed of Money Podcast
Conscious Millionaire Podcast
Art of Mindful Wealth Podcast
Education & Professional Podcasts (Over 600 Titles)
Careers Podcasts:
Secrets of the Hire Podcast
Purpose Rockstar: Daily Career Stories Podcast
Passion For Work Podcast
Our Authentic Careers Podcast
Navigating The Career Jungle Podcast
Monster Hiring Podcast
Love Your Work Podcast
Find Your Dream Job Podcast
Discover Your Talent, Do What You Love Podcast
Career Tools Podcast
Exam Preparation Podcasts:
Nick’s Knack for Neologisms Vocabulary GRE/SAT Podcast
GED Test Audio Lessons Podcast
CPA Exam Review Podcast
Bar Exam Mind Podcast
ESLPod.com’s Guide to the TOEFL Test Podcast
Journalism Podcasts:
Newseum Podcast
New Books in Journalism Podcast
Inside The Times Podcast
CNN Reliable Sources Podcast
On The Media Podcast
Law Podcasts:
Radiolab Presents: More Perfect Podcast
Revealing Criminology Podcast
Legally Sound Podcast
Cruel and Unusual: Punishment Podcast
ABA Journal: Legal Talk Network Podcast
Medical Podcasts:
Yale Cancer Center Answers Podcast
Surgery 101 Podcast
Only Human Podcast
JAMA Author Interviews Podcast
EM Basic Podcast
Teaching Podcasts:
Transforming Public Education Podcast
The Teaching Experience Podcast
The Teach Thought Podcast
Educators Lead Podcast
Ask a Teacher Podcast
Writing Podcasts:
Writing Challenges Podcast
This Writing Life Podcast
Self-Publishing Answers Podcast
Scriptnotes Podcast
American Copywriter Podcast
History Podcasts (Over 200 Titles)
American History Podcasts:
United States History, Post-1945 Podcast
Letter from America Podcast by Alistair Cooke
Lectures in History Podcast
Civil War Talk Radio Podcast
Ben Franklin’s World Podcast
Ancient & Medieval History Podcasts:
When in Rome Podcast
Trojan War Podcast
Myths and History of Greece and Rome Podcast
History of the Crusades Podcast
Emperors of Rome Podcast
European History Podcasts:
Queens of England Podcast
New Books in European Studies Podcast
Napoleon: The Man and the Myths Podcast
History of the Great War Podcast
History Ireland Show Podcast
Military History Podcasts:
Wartime: A History Series Podcast
Voices of the First World War Podcast
Korean War Podcast
Hoover Institution: Strategika Podcast
American Military History Podcast
World History Podcasts:
Witness: Black History Collection Podcast
Lectures in Intellectual History Podcast
In Our Time: History Podcast
Gallipoli and the Great War Podcast
5 Minute History Podcast
Languages Podcasts (Over 350 Titles)
Chinese Podcasts:
Popup Chinese Podcast
Learn Mandarin Now Podcast
Learn Chinese Insights Podcast
I Love Learning Chinese Podcast
Cantonese Pod Podcast
English as a Second Language Podcasts:
Zapp English Vocabulary and Pronunciation Podcast
Espresso English Podcast
Effortless English Podcast
ESLPod.com’s Guide to the TOEFL Test Podcast
English as a Second Language Podcast
French Podcasts:
Talk in French Podcast
Real Deal French Podcast
Learn French with Daily Lessons Podcast
French Etc Beginner’s Podcast
Cultivate Your French Podcast
German Podcasts:
Yabla German Video Podcast
Learn German by Podcast
German Language Vocabulary Podcast
Fast German Podcast
GermanLingQ Podcast
Italian Podcasts:
Yabla Italian Video Podcast
News in Slow Italian Podcast
Learn Italian with Coffee Break Italian Podcast
30 Minute Italian Podcast
One Minute Italian Podcast
Japanese Podcasts:
News in Slow Japanese Podcast
Japanese Language Proficiency Test Boot Camp Podcast
Easy Japanese Podcast
Survival Phrases – Japanese Podcast
JapanesePod101.com Podcast
Other Languages Podcasts:
SwedishPod101.com Podcast
Survival Phrases – Brazilian Portuguese Podcast
Learn Thai Podcast
Learn Russian from RusPod.com Podcast
ArabicPod Learn Arabic Podcast
Spanish Podcasts:
Spanish Quickies Podcast
Real Deal Spanish Podcast
Learning Spanish Like Crazy Podcast
Beginners Lightspeed Spanish Podcast
Learn Spanish – Survival Guide Podcast
Vocabulary Building Podcasts:
Talk the Talk Podcast
Slate Presents Lexicon Valley Podcast
Nick’s Knack for Neologisms Vocabulary GRE/SAT Podcast
GRE Vocabulary Podcast
Dictionary.com Word Explorer Podcast
Literature Podcasts (Over 300 Titles)
American Classics Podcasts:
The Wizard of Oz Podcast
Tales of War and Other Horrors Podcast
Moby Dick Podcast
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Podcast
The Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson Podcast
Ancient & Medieval Classics Podcasts:
Myths and Legends Podcast
Celtic Myth Podshow Podcast
Classical Mythology Podcast
Contemporary Literature Podcasts:
What Should I Read Next Podcast
Overdue Podcast
Monocle 24: Meet the Writers Podcast
Literary Disco Podcast
AudioFile Podcast
European Classics Podcasts:
The Tolkien Road Podcast
Frank Delaney’s Re: Joyce Podcast
Folger Shakespeare Library: Shakespeare Unlimited Podcast
Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions Podcast
A Tale of Two Cities Podcast
Literary History & Criticism Podcasts:
Shakespeare and Contemporary Theory Podcast
Science Fiction and Politics Podcast
New Books in Literary Studies Podcast
Bookfight! Podcast
New York Times Book Review Podcast
Poetry Podcasts:
Slate’s Poetry Podcast
Poetry Now Podcast
Poem Talk Podcast
Essential American Poets Podcast
Intro to Poetry Podcast
Short Stories Podcasts:
Tales of Horror Podcast
StoryWeb: Storytime for Grownups Podcast
Morning Short: Your Daily Dose of Fiction Podcast
Literary Roadhouse: One Short Story, Once a Week Podcast
1001 Heroes, Legends, Histories & Mysteries Podcast
Philosophy Podcasts (Over 100 Titles)
Ancient & Medieval Philosophy Podcasts:
Philosophy by the Book Podcast
Philosophy Audiobooks Podcast
Philosophize This Podcast
Philosophy: The Classics Podcast
Plato – The Republic Podcast
Ethics Podcasts:
Revealing Applied Ethics Podcast
Everyday Ethics Podcast
Ethics Talk: Philosophy, Flourishing and The Good Life Podcast
Examining Ethics Podcast
Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly – PBS Podcast
History of Philosophy Podcasts:
New Books in Intellectual History Podcast
Lectures in Intellectual History Podcast
In Our Time: Philosophy Podcast
History of Philosophy in India Podcast
The History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps Podcast
Modern Philosophy Podcasts:
Why: Philosophical Discussions About Everyday Life Podcast
Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Podcast
New Books in Philosophy Podcast
Modern Day Philosophers Podcast
Elucidations: A University of Chicago Podcast
Philosophers Podcasts:
Philosophy for Theologians Podcast
Philosophy by the Book Podcast
Lives and Opinions of Eminent Philosophers Podcast
Jeremy Bentham Seminar Podcast
The Philosophy Podcast
Political Philosophy Podcasts:
Reading Marx’s Capital Podcast
On Liberty Podcast
Jeremy Bentham Seminar Podcast
Reith Lectures Archive: 1948-1975 Podcast
Plato – The Republic Podcast
Politics Podcasts (Over 350 Titles)
Conservative Politics Podcasts:
Weekly Standard Podcast
We Are Libertarians Podcast
Uncommon Knowledge Podcast
Harvard Lunch Club Political Podcast
GLoP Culture with Goldberg, Long, and Podhoretz Podcast
Contemporary Issues Podcasts:
Vox’s The Weeds Podcast
US Immigration Podcast
ProPublica Podcast
NPR: Politics Podcast
My History Can Beat Up Your Politics Podcast
Intersections: A Brookings Institution Podcast
Ending Human Trafficking Podcast
Commonwealth Club: Climate One Podcast
BBC Newshour Podcast
NewsHour with Jim Lehrer – PBS Podcast
European Politics Podcasts:
Today in Parliament Podcast
This Week in Germany Podcast
Inside Europe Podcast
Global Politics Podcasts:
WSJ Opinion: Foreign Edition Podcast
WBEZ’s Worldview Podcast
Global Dispatches Podcast
Foreign Policy’s The Editor’s Roundtable Podcast
Foreign Affairs Unedited Podcast
Liberal Politics Podcasts:
The Young Turks Interviews Audio Podcast
Start Making Sense Podcast
Slate’s Trumpcast Podcast
HuffPost Politics: So That Happened Podcast
Citizen Radio Podcast
Political Figures Podcasts:
Slate’s Trumpcast Podcast
Ronald Reagan on the Air Podcast
U.S. Presidents Podcast
Political Philosophy Podcasts:
The Yaron Brook Show Podcast
New Books in Political Science Podcast
History of Liberalism Podcast
U.S. Government Podcasts:
WSJ Opinion: Potomac Watch Podcast
Slate’s Amicus with Dahlia Lithwick Podcast
Decode DC Podcast
Congressional Dish Podcast
60-Second Civics Podcast
April 13, 2015
50 Best Podcasts You Can Learn From
Since we launched our LearnOutLoud.com Podcast Directory back in September of 2005, we’ve featured 100s of podcasts in our Free Resource of the Day Emails. We’ve seen great new podcasts rise to the top, and many more podcasts fade away into oblivion. We even had our moment in the sunshine with many of our very own LearnOutLoud.com Podcasts being featured and awarded in the iTunes Podcast Directory. After 10 years of podcasting history and to commemorate our LearnOutLoud.com 10th Anniversary, we’ve put together this list of the 50 best podcasts you can learn from. Over the years we’ve tried to seek out great podcasts that might not be the top ranked podcasts on iTunes, but nevertheless are amazing educational resources. Listen and subscribe to some of the best of the best podcasts from the first decade of podcasting! We’ve tried to rank them according to which podcasts are best!
1. Inspiring Words of Encouragement Podcast
There’s not much motivational content on our site that can rival Zig Ziglar’s Inspiring Words of Encouragement Podcast. Ziglar passed away in 2012 at the age of 86, and we must feature his podcast which includes 300 individual podcast episodes from the audio archives of Zig Ziglar! Listen to podcasts on Wisdom, Hope, Faith, Gratitude, Overcoming Fear, Discipline and Commitment, Success, Emotions and Attitudes, Values, Persistence, Happiness, Goals, Positive Thinking, Relationships, Forgiveness, Sales Advice, Parental Wisdom, Ethical Leadership, Love and Romance, and we could go on and on and on. Each of the podcasts has a description below it, so it should be easy to pick out ones in the areas you need motivation. Listen to one of the greatest motivators of all time with over 9 years of podcasts from Zig Ziglar! Note: It may take a moment to load because the podcast feed is quite massive.
2. Entrepreneurial Thought Leaders Podcast
Since 2005 a group at Stanford University has been podcasting talks from some of the most successful people in business and technology. The speaker generally gives an overview of their experiences as an entrepreneur along with advice for anyone looking to start a business. On this podcast you’ll hear from such thought leaders as Sal Khan of the Khan Academy, author Guy Kawasaki, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, and people from Google, Yahoo, and dozens of other companies you’re probably familiar with. They have all their podcasts up on the feed going back ten years! Learn from these successful business & technology thought leaders.
3. Oprah.com’s Spiritual Channel Podcast
In 2008 Oprah Winfrey launched a series of podcasts. Her first and most popular podcast featured Eckhart Tolle teaching a 10-part course on his book A New Earth. That podcast has since become Oprah.com’s Spiritual Channel Podcast and she continues to update it with interviews she conducted on her Soul Series on Oprah Radio and other spiritual audio programs from Oprah.com. Now on the podcast you’ll find hour-long Oprah interviews with spiritual teachers such as Wayne Dyer, Elizabeth Lesser, Jon Kabat-Zinn, Larry Dossey, Byron Katie, and many other teachers and bestselling authors in the field of spiritual growth. And of course the Eckhart Tolle 10-part course is still on the podcast. These podcasts are available on MPEG-4 audio & video and can be played through Quicktime or iTunes.
4. 1 Year Daily Audio Bible Podcast
Want to get through the entire Bible in a year? This podcast will take you through the entire Bible in 365 separate podcasts to be listened to over the next year. Each podcast is read by Nashville, TN based record producer Brian Hardin. Instead of going through the Bible chronologically, he selects four different passages for each podcast, which go through books of the Old and New Testament simultaneously, along with a Proverb and a Psalm. If you’d like to read the Bible more, but can’t find the time of day, then try listening to the entire Bible in one year with the Bible In a Year Podcast.
5. Frontline Audiocast – PBS Podcast
The PBS Frontline series are some of the best documentaries available on public television, but it’s often difficult to carve out time to sit down and watch them. Now Frontline has released a group of their documentaries as audio podcasts and they actually work really well as just audio. Since most of the Frontline documentaries feature talking heads interviews along with narration they don’t really require the visual component. Also Frontline has done the service of inserting audio of the name of the person who is talking before each interview. Each podcast runs about an hour.
Zencast has been offering Zen Buddhism teachings on podcast for many, many years now and the great thing is they’ve kept almost all their podcasts up on their feed so each of them can still be downloaded. They’re now up to over 400 podcasts! Zencast host Gil Fronsdal teaches many classes. Other frequent speakers on Zencast include Joseph Goldstein, Tara Brach, and Jack Kornfield. These podcasts are essential listening for anyone looking to learn more about Zen Buddhism. Caution: This feed is huge so it may take time to load.
7. Grammar Girl’s Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing Podcast
Grammar Girl’s Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing is a podcast devoted to helping listeners improve their writing skills. Taking a nuts and bolts approach, these short podcasts clarify common errors in English grammar in precise detail. If you’ve ever wondered whether or not you should use lie or lay in a sentence, or if that comma splice was used correctly, this podcast will give you the answers. Listen to the latest podcasts from Grammar Girl Mignon Fogarty. And her podcasts started an empire. Check out more Quick and Dirty Tips Podcasts.
One of the first podcasts we ever featured! The TEDTalks Podcast features key talks from the TED Conference covering the latest ideas in Technology, Entertainment, Design, Business, Science, and other areas. Many years later and they’re still featuring new talks every week so you may want to subscribe to this one.
9. BMA: Black Media Archive Podcast
Listen to hundreds of podcasts from notable African and African-American speakers. The Black Media Archive Podcast has collected a wide range of multi-media including speeches, archival video, movies, music, and more. They feature speeches from Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Fannie Lou Hamer, James Baldwin, Barbara Jordan, Ossie Davis, Langston Hughes, and dozens of other influential black leaders over the course of the past 100 years. (Note: They have quite a large podcast feed so it may take a moment for it to load on our site, but it’s worth the wait.)
10. 12 Byzantine Rulers: The History of The Byzantine Empire Podcast
With the History of the Byzantine Empire Podcast, Lars Brownworth examines the 12 rulers that have come to represent a unique era in Roman history; a period marked by decline. With an excellent handle on the subject and concise delivery, Brownsworth devotes each episode to an Emperor; describing the man, how he came to power, how he ruled, and what his legacy was thereafter. When taken as a whole, each bite-sized character profile tells the overall story of the Roman Empire as it struggled to survive during the middle ages.
11. Plato – The Republic Podcast
The Republic by Plato is one of the most influential works of philosophy in history. In the form of Socratic dialogue, Plato’s teacher and protagonist Socrates sets out to find an answer to the question: “What is justice?”. Along the way Socrates discusses the ideal city-state and his theory of forms, which includes his famous allegory of the cave. This podcast contains all eleven books of The Republic unabridged. It is read by the professional British narrator Patrick Horgan and is available on MP3 download.
What podcast list would be complete without NPR’s Fresh Air?! In 2007 NPR started offering their popular radio show Fresh Air for free as a podcast. Host Terry Gross has been interviewing persons in arts & entertainment and other fields for over 40 years now. Currently on the feed the podcasts go back about three months.
13. Sounds True: Insights at the Edge Podcast
Listen to the best podcast yet from the publisher Sounds True! In this podcast Tami Simon, founder of Sounds True, interviews spiritual teachers, visionary writers, and living luminaries about their newest work and current challenges of their inner inquiry and outer contribution to the world. Subscribe to this great podcast today!
14. English as a Second Language Podcast
This podcast is for anyone who wants to improve their English listening and speaking. Their podcast feed features their regular show which covers vocabulary in a variety of situations and also their English Cafe podcast which includes English discussion on various topics to help listening comprehension. Learning Guides, which include transcripts, can be downloaded on their site ESLpod.com. The ESL Podcast is hosted by Dr. Jeff McQuillan, former professor of applied linguistics and education. For anyone looking to learn English, this is one of the best free resources available on the web. They’re now up to over 1000 podcasts!
15. Seminars About Long Term Thinking Podcast
From The Long Now Foundation comes this fascinating series of Seminars About Long Term Thinking. Podcasts on the feed include CEO Philip Rosedale talking about the game Second Life, Chris Anderson talking about The Long Tail, founder and president of Wikipedia Jimmy Wales speaking on vision, author Jared Diamond discussing his book Collapse: How Societies Choose to Fail or Succeed, writer Bruce Sterling speaking about The Singularity, musician Brian Eno chatting with Will Wright (creator of the video game “The Sims” and forthcoming “Spore”), and dozens of other interesting podcasts on topics like climate change, human life extension, etc. Have a listen to over a decade of podcasts!
16. Heart of Darkness Audiobook Podcast
Joseph Conrad’s classic novella Heart of Darkness has recently been made available for free on audio download. LoudLit.org and LiteralSystems have produced this professional sounding audio book that is narrated by Tom Franks. Listen to the highly symbolic tale of Marlow’s journey down the Congo River. This unabridged audio book is available on MP3 Download from and can also be subscribed to as a podcast.
17. History According to Bob Podcast
For many years now, Bob Packett has serviced the world with his podcast, History According to Bob! This retired history professor operating out of Kansas explores a large canvas – from the smallest historical artifacts to decade-spanning cultural upheaval with the sort of down-home, approachable style that is the earmark of a great teacher.
18. Garrison Keillor’s The Writer’s Almanac Podcast
The Writer’s Almanac Podcast hosted by Garrison Keillor is a wonderful way to start your day. Though well known already for being the figurehead of NPR’s “A Prairie Home Companion”, Keillor has been offering this daily dose of poetry and history for many years as well. Each episode typically begins with a note on a person or event that has shaped a given day in history, followed by a poem rendered in Keillor’s peerless style. Enjoy!
19. Inside Out Weight Loss Podcast
Listen to this podcast from Personal Life Media hosted by leading diet and weight-loss coach Renee Stephens. Renee features over 250 podcasts on her feed and she encourages listeners to start with the first podcast which covers her personal story of how she overcame compulsive overeating along with the methods of weight loss she’ll be using in the podcast. Instead of focusing on a diet plan or what you should or shouldn’t be eating or doing, Renee focuses on transforming the mind so that you can in turn transform your body. Using techniques such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Hypnotherapy, and Positive Psychology, Renee teaches listeners how to lose weight from the “inside out”. She does multi-part podcasts on How to Eat, Exercise Motivation, Intent-ful Eating, Fixing a “Broken” Metabolism, and much more. Enjoy this epic podcast on weight loss!
20. Great Speeches in History Podcast
After all these years still our most popular LearnOutLoud.com podcast! Our Great Speeches in History Podcast showcases classic speeches from great orators throughout history. Featuring great speeches like the “I Have a Dream” speech, the Gettysburg Address, and many more famous speeches. Please download, listen, and subscribe to our popular podcast!
21. A Tale of Two Cities Podcast
Check out this free unabridged professional recording of A Tale of Two Cities, released by Literal Systems. Listen to this sweeping historical novel set in London and Paris around the time of the French Revolution. The audio quality is top notch and Jane Ayer’s narration is superb. This classic 14-hour audio book is available on MP3 download as a podcast from Literal Systems.
22. The History of Rome Podcast
After five years of podcasting The History of Rome Podcast, host Mike Duncan has completed the entire history of the rise and fall of the Rome. In his 179th and final episode he talks about the journeys through Roman history that he has taken in the podcast. This podcast is one of the most popular podcasts on our site with a 4.6 star rating out of over 40 ratings and many glowing reviews. All 179 podcast episodes are up on the feed. Get hooked on the history of Rome! The History of Rome Podcast is a chronological attempt to trace the rise, decline and fall of the Roman Empire. Starting with Rome’s founding by the mythical twins Romulus and Remus, this series hosted by Mike Duncan is an ongoing account of the people and events that shaped the western world. A must for any student of history and an invaluable resource for anyone that needs a ground level survey of the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire.
23. The EntreLeadership Podcast
Dave Ramsey is a bestselling financial author and radio host, and his team runs one of the most popular business podcasts on iTunes, The EntreLeadership Podcast. The podcast is hosted by Chris LoCurto, who conducts excellent interviews with today’s top business authors and leaders. At the beginning of each episode you’ll hear a lesson from Dave Ramsey himself. After the lesson LoCurto conducts an interview, and currently on the feed you can listen to interviews with leadership experts like John C. Maxwell, Robin Robins, Patrick Lencioni, Stephen M.R. Covey, Jim Collins, Tony Dungy, Tony Hseih, and, of course, Dave Ramsey. Get great business advice from over 90 podcasts dating back to 2011!
24. Meditation Peace: Free Guided Meditation Exercises Podcast
The Meditation Society of Australia provides this series of podcasts featuring several guided meditations. These well-directed meditations focus on a specific subject matter and are accompanied by music. The narrator also provides many meditative insights along the way. Enjoy these free meditations from the Meditation Society of Australia.
25. Vanity Fair’s Writers Reading Podcast
Vanity Fair’s Writers Reading Podcast features many of today’s best authors reading from their latest books. They haven’t updated the feed in a while, but currently on the podcast feed you’ll hear award-winning prison journalist Wilbert Rideau read from his book In the Place of Justice, Norris Church Mailer reading from her memoir about her life with her husband Norman Mailer, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Garry Wills reading from his new book Bomb Power: The Modern Presidency and the National Security State, Jonathan Safran Foer on his first nonfiction work exploring factory farming entitled Eating Animals, and many other highly respected writers including Augusten Burroughs, Tracy Kidder, Taylor Branch, Gay Talese, Jay McInerney, and more.
26. Dan Carlin’s Hardcore History Podcast
In his own irreverent style Dan Carlin attacks the historical record in the Hardcore History Podcast. Each month, Carlin selects a different topic or person in history, spanning from the ancient to the present depending upon his mood, and brings his humorous and sometimes provocative opinion to bear on it. The editorial tone Carlin takes is usually funny, and while some of what he argues is controversial, his command of the subject can never be questioned.
27. SermonIndex Classics Podcast
Listen to these podcasts from SermonIndex. These podcasts cover many aspects of Christianity and Christian Living, including sermons from Billy Graham, Corrie Ten Boom, Jim Cymbala, David Wilkerson, Zac Poonen, Keith Green, A.W. Tozer, Duncan Campbell, Ian Paisley, Leonard Ravenhill, and many other popular preachers from throughout the 20th century. For more free classic sermons check out the offerings we feature from Sermon Index.
28. NPR: Intelligence Squared U.S. Podcast
One of the best things to listen to on audio is a debate. The full rhetoric comes through in the speakers, making it very exciting to listen to. NPR has created a debate podcast where they confront controversial topics. They’ve been podcasting these debates since 2007 and they have one a month. The podcast feed goes back about six months. Have a listen to these fantastic debates.
29. The Masters of The Secret Podcast
This podcast features conversations with teachers that were featured in the movie The Secret. Bill Harris, director of the Centerpointe Research Institute, conducts the conversations which cover the spiritual and practical applications of the law of attraction by the teachers that are interviewed. The teachers included in this podcast are John Assaraf, Hale Dwoskin, Joe Vitale, Jack Canfield, Dr. Michael Beckwith, Lisa Nichols, and James Ray.
30. Healthy Living Radio Podcast
Browse over 400 podcasts covering just about every imaginable aspect of health! This podcast from the Cooper Aerobics Center and Cooper Institute in Dallas, Texas features over 400 healthy living podcasts going to back to 2005. Many of them feature Dr. Ken Cooper, also known as the “father of aerobics”, who introduced the world to the concept of aerobics with his 1968 book Aerobics. Since that time he’s authored dozens of books and created the Cooper Aerobics Center and Cooper Institute for health and wellness research. This podcast features numerous members of the Cooper Institute including Dr. Cooper, Dr. Tedd Mitchell, Dr. Abram Eisenstein, and Dr. Nina Radford talking about a wide variety of topics including cancer prevention, vitamins, exercise, weight loss, heart disease, depression, and many, many more health topics. They also interview a lot of experts on health. For example on Oct. 8, 2007 they interviewed Dr. John J. Ratey, author of Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. And on Feb. 27, 2006 they interviewed Dr. Daniel G. Amen on brain health. Dr. Amen authored the bestselling book Making a Good Brain Great. So much amazing healthy living information on one podcast that we are embarrassed we haven’t featured yet!
31. Jung Podcast
This podcast is devoted to the understanding of the analytical psychology of the great Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. Jungian analyst John Betts (who graduated from the International School of Analytical Psychology in Zurich, Switzerland) introduces listeners to Carl Jung’s theories of the structure of the psyche, the Anima & Animus, the Persona, Jungian dream interpretation, active imagination, individuation, and more! John Betts is incredibly lucid and articulate in describing these theories, providing real life examples and quoting Jung and other Jungians as he goes along. It’s basically a course on Jung, and one would do best to start with Betts’ first podcasts and work his or her way through them.
32. Take Control of Your Career and Your Life with Marcus Buckingham Podcast
Listen to or watch this podcasted class offered by Oprah.com, featuring bestselling author Marcus Buckingham. This eight-step course explores finding fulfillment in your career. Marcus Buckingham guides 29 students that are seeking personal success in their business and life. Throughout the course Marcus teaches you how to leverage your strengths and minimize your weaknesses. This podcast is available on audio & video download (for some reason the streaming doesn’t seem to be working too well). Enjoy the course!
33. The History of Philosophy Without Any Gaps Podcast
Philosophy Professor Peter Adamson hosts a series of 20 minute philosophical history lessons that endeavor to provide listeners with a more rounded approach to the subject. While Adamson does offers his expert analysis on titans like Plato, Aristotle, Augustine and other well-known thinkers, he also focuses equal scrutiny on Islamic figures such as al-Ghazali, or the Jewish mystics that contributed to Kabbalistic thought. In sum, the series offers a thorough, ever-growing and ultimately even-handed overview of how the major philosophical (and corresponding religious) traditions developed throughout human history.
Listen to Christian author and speaker Joyce Meyer deliver talks from her TV & radio ministry. In many podcasts, she discusses busyness and how to confront time management from a Biblical perspective. Enjoy these podcasts which go back over four months!
35. iTunes: Meet the Author Podcast
A wide array of contemporary authors are joined by special moderators in the Meet the Author podcast series presented by Apple. Authors of the latest best-selling fiction and non-fiction books converge on the Apple Store in New York City for a lively discussion on their latest works, as well as a Q&A period from the in-store audience. Guests in the growing interview archive include Neil Gaiman, David Sedaris, Tim Ferriss, James Patterson, George R.R. Martin and more!
36. Music and the Brain Audio Podcast
Watch or listen to this great series from the Library of Congress on streaming video or audio podcast. Project chair Kay Redfield Jamison convenes scientists and scholars, composers, performers, theorists, physicians, psychologists, and other experts to talk about cognitive neuroscience and music. Here are some of the lectures in the series: “The World in Six Songs: How the Musical Brain Created Human Nature”: In this short talk, author Daniel Levitin suggests that in human history music came before language, and that throughout history music has almost always been accompanied by movement. “Depression and Creativity Symposium”: Kay Redfield Jamison, Dr. Terence Ketter, and Dr. Peter Whybrow take a look at depression and bipolar disorder and their possible connection to creativity. They specifically discuss artists like Vincent van Gogh, Robert Schumann, and Felix Mendelssohn. “The Mind of an Artist”: Cognitive psychologist Michael Kubovy and composer Judith Shatin suggest that language and music are very closely related in the brain, and Kubovy shows findings on the brain’s reaction to different types of music in comparison to the cognition of language. “Music, Criminal Behavior, and Crime Prevention”: Norman Middleton of the Library of Congress Music Division starts the lecture with providing examples of how music has been used in regards to preventing crime and treating criminals. Then Dr. Jacqueline Helfgott talks about ways of discouraging criminal activity and anti-social behavior through the use of music in different environments. “Wellness and Growth: Acoustic Medicine and Music Therapy”: Jayne Standley, director of the Music Therapy Program at Florida State University, introduces music therapy and the many ways it has been applied in the medical profession while showing video examples of successful music therapy. Enjoy these and many more lectures on “Music and the Brain” in this series of talks from the Library of Congress.
37. NPR Series: Books That Changed the World Podcast
This podcast is certain to get you interested in some of the books that have had the most impact in global history. Grove/Atlantic published a series of books by prominent writers focusing on the most significant works of literature that introduced groundbreaking ideas and altered the course of human history. This NPR series features 30-minute interviews that were conducted over time with the authors of all these books on NPR’s Talk of the Nation program hosted by Neal Conan and featuring live callers from across the United States.
38. The Forum at Grace Cathedral Podcast
San Francisco’s Grace Cathedral has long hosted a series of Forum discussions with special guests that are on the cutting edge of faith-based work. Grace’s current Dean, Jane Shaw, hosts guests on a wide range of topics, with a current emphasis placed on how the arts have impacted our understanding of the nature of God. Recent talks have tackled the current state of interfaith relations, the history of religious architecture, the meaning of money, music’s role in spiritual expression, and the question of where religion is headed as humanity dives into an increasingly pluralistic modern world. Always thought-provoking, Shaw and her guests take on each topic with a welcoming, inquisitive spirit that invites everyone into the discussion at hand. Guests currently on the feed include Michael Pollan, Sandra Day O’Connor, Dinesh D’Souza, T.C. Boyle, Matthew Fox, Elaine Pagels, Rob Bell, Jim Wallis, and many other distinguished guests.
39. HBO: Real Time with Bill Maher Podcast
One of the most popular podcasts in our podcast directory is HBO’s Real Time with Bill Maher Podcast. Host and comedian Bill Maher features a panel of guests discussing current events in politics. There is a week-long delay on the audio podcast from when the show airs, and they currently feature the previous 7 episodes on the podcast feed, along with some extra material from each show that wasn’t aired on HBO.
The Change Nation Podcast features interviews with leading experts and inspirational speakers about ways individuals can make positive changes in their personal and professional lives. Host Ariane De Bonvoisin talks with authors and speakers and other great teachers of change. Topics covered include getting organized, starting a business, finding a job, nurturing a relationship, getting fit, eating right, and much, much more. Ariane is an excellent host and many recent interviews are available as both audio & video podcasts. Definitely check out this podcast and you might also want to check out Ariane De Bonvoisin’s site: www.first30days.com.
41. Catalyst Podcast
The Catalyst Podcast features an impressive collection of many podcast interviews with leadership authors and experts in the areas of business and church ministry. It stems from the Catalyst Conference which is a Christian leadership conference that features many of the speakers that are interviewed on the podcast. Become a better leader in every area of your life with the Catalyst Podcast.
Listen to the Gary Renard Podcast co-hosted by professional voice artist Gene Bogart as he talks with author Gary Renard about the ideas in his books such as The Disappearance of the Universe and Your Immortal Reality. Renard’s books draw heavily from the ideas of A Course in Miracles and he provides insight into many teachings from A Course in Miracles in these podcasts. Renard has been podcasting for years now and there are now over fifty podcast episodes to listen to. Check them out!
43. UCSF Mini Medical School Audio Podcast
UCSF Mini Medical School Video Podcast
In this series from the University of California, San Francisco, faculty members and other nationally-recognized experts give the latest findings on a variety of health and medical related topics. Learn the latest in medical research from the University of California, San Francisco with these audio & video podcasts.
44. The Potter’s Touch Audio Podcast
The Potter’s Touch Video Podcast
With The Potter’s Touch Podcast on audio & video, Bishop T.D. Jakes brings an empowering message to his audience on how God wants us to succeed in life. Using a forceful, energetic delivery that can’t help but stir an audience, Jakes has become one of the leading voices in a modern evangelical movement that is focused on delivering a biblically-based call to take responsibility for one’s life. With a no-nonsense style that doesn’t take a minute for excuses, Jakes teaches that with God’s help, we can overcome the inner and outer demons that are holding us back from becoming what we were always meant to be.
45. Philosophy: The Classics Podcast
In this podcast, British author Nigel Warburton reads from his book Philosophy: The Classics (now in its 3rd edition). The book examines and summarizes 27 classic works of philosophy. Currently on the podcast feed, Warburton reads chapters from his book summarizing classics such as Plato’s The Republic, Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, Boethius’ The Consolation of Philosophy, Machiavelli’s The Prince, and Descartes’ Meditations. His introductions to these works are clear and concise, and his narration is adequate for the material. Subscribe to this work of philosophical generosity.
46. Revealing World Religions Podcast
Revealing World Religions Podcast is offered by ThinkingStrings.com and features the narrated text of Revealing World Religions by Dr. Cynthia Eller of Montclair State University. This podcasted audio book features these 10 modules covering many of the World’s Religions. All of these are currently available on the feed and work as introductions to these religious traditions.
47. Love Language Minute with Dr. Gary Chapman Podcast
Noted relationship counselor Gary Chapman hosts these short daily insights based on his bestselling book The Five Love Languages . Each episode is under a minute and touches on the various barriers people face in the way they communicate their feelings with one another. Framed within a spiritual perspective, these podcasts offer valuable tips on how to speak more freely and love more fully.
48. Serial Podcast
iTunes has announced their picks for the best podcasts of 2014 and their pick for the best new podcast is Serial Podcast. Here’s a little bit about this compelling podcast that everyone is talking about. As one of the main creative forces behind NPR’s radio program “This American Life”, journalist Sarah Koenig has worked for decades bringing the the every day stories of real people to the level of an art form. Starting as a This American Life spinoff, Koenig and fellow producer Julie Snyder created the Serial Podcast as a means to tell one true life story over the course of several episodes. Each episode ends on something like a cliff-hanger and given the real-life nature of what is explored, the ending is unpredictable. In the inaugural season, listeners have been enthralled by the murder case of Adnan Syed who was accused and sent to prison for the death of his girlfriend Have Min Lee in 1999. With this true-crime story that dissects young love, murder and the criminal justice system, Koenig and Snyder parcel out new details with each episode in a winning formula that flows like a page-turner. The podcast is updated weekly and there’s still enough time to binge-listen so you can get caught up before the mystery is resolved. Start listening today!
49. Ram Dass Here And Now Podcast
Listen to classic recordings of author and spiritual teacher Ram Dass (also known as Dr. Richard Alpert) on his “Ram Dass Here And Now Podcast”. Each 30 minute podcast is introduced by Raghvindra Das (Raghu Markus) of the Love Serve Remember Foundation who has long been a follower of Ram Dass. After the intro we hear one of Ram Dass’ unique talks about his discoveries as a psychologist at Harvard, his psychedelic research with Timothy Leary, and his travels to India where he met his guru, Neem Karoli Baba. The podcasts are delivered in the form of a narrative of Ram Dass’ life, so start out with the first podcast (located at the bottom of the podcast feed) in which Ram Dass discusses his frustrations with being an “empire builder” during his professorship at Harvard, and the psychedelic trip which changed his state of consciousness.
Listen to one of the most highly rated and popular personal development podcasts in iTunes, as host Karel Vredenburg delivers the Life Habits Podcast. Karel has been podcasting since back in 2008, and he now has over 80 podcasts episodes you can choose from covering a vast amount of topics related to good and bad habits in all aspects of our lives. Drawing ideas from some of the best personal growth teachers, Karel delivers knowledge on life habits in a brief amount of time. Browse this podcast and find some topics that interest you.
May 20, 2014
Quick and Dirty Tips Podcasts
We uploaded a number of podcasts from “Quick and Dirty Tips”, which feature experts providing tips on a variety of topics to help you do things better. We now have 15 podcasts from “Quick and Dirty Tips” on our site. They started back in 2006 with their most popular podcast Grammar Girl’s Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing Podcast featuring Mignon Fogarty, who is the the founder and managing director of Quick and Dirty Tips. Since then they’ve expanded into many other topics including money, health & fitness, time management, nutrition, parenting, public speaking, and more. Below are all 15 of their podcasts that we feature on LearnOutLoud.com. After each podcast we’ve listed how many episodes are on the podcast feed. Enjoy hundreds of Quick and Dirty Tips!
Check out all of the Quick and Dirty Tips podcasts right here:
All Quick and Dirty Tips Podcasts
Here are the ones that we’ve recently added:
The Digital Marketer’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Growing Your Business with Digital Tools (98 Podcasts)
The Dog Trainer’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Teaching and Caring for Your Pet Podcast (215 Podcasts)
Domestic CEO’s Quick & Dirty Tips to Managing Your Home Podcast (80 Podcasts)
Everyday Einstein Podcast (71 Podcasts)
Get-Fit Guy’s Quick and Dirty Tips to Slim Down and Shape Up Podcast (155 Podcasts)
Get-It-Done Guy’s Quick and Dirty Tips to Work Less and Do More Podcast (283 Podcasts)
Grammar Girl’s Quick & Dirty Tips for Better Writing Podcast (385 Podcasts)
The House Call Doctor’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Taking Charge of Your Health Podcast (133 Podcasts)
The Math Dude Quick and Dirty Tips to Make Math Easier Podcast (169 Podcasts)
Mighty Mom’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Practical Parenting Podcast (250 Podcasts)
Money Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for a Richer Life Podcast (329 Podcasts)
Mr. Manners’ Quick and Dirty Tips for a More Polite Life Podcast (266 Podcasts)
The Nutrition Diva’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling Fabulous Podcast (254 Podcasts)
The Public Speaker’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Improving Your Communication Skills Podcast (222 Podcasts)
Tech Talker’s Quick and Dirty Tips to Navigate the Digital World Podcast (95 Podcasts)
October 16, 2013
300 New Popular Podcasts in Our Podcast Directory
We have just added 300 new popular podcasts to the LearnOutLoud.com Podcast Directory! We searched all over the Web to find the best podcasts you can learn from that were not yet on our site. Since we started our handpicked podcast directory back in 2005, it has now grown into one of the top podcast directories on the Web. Browse all of the podcasts in our directory today:
We’ve added new podcasts from some of the top podcast providers. Here are some of the great podcast providers which we’ve added new podcasts for:
American Public Media Podcasts
15 New Sports Podcasts from ESPN
10 New Podcasts from HowStuffWorks.com
6 New Language Learning Podcasts from Innovative Language Learning
6 New Podcasts from KCRW Public Radio
15 New Podcasts from National Public Radio
10 New Podcasts from Public Radio International
7 New Quick and Dirty Tips Podcasts
13 New Language Learning Podcasts from the Radio Lingua Network
25 City Guide Podcasts from Tourcaster.com
Beyond adding podcasts from top providers, we’ve also added many great individual podcasts to our directory. Below we’ll highlight some of the great new podcasts we’ve added. We’ll start out by pointing out that we’ve added dozens of great comedy podcasts. For those of you who want to “laugh out loud” we’ve got some fun and popular podcasts for you. Go to our comedy podcasts section and you’ll see some of the recently added podcasts you can laugh with:
50 New Popular Comedy Podcasts
Along with these great comedy podcasts, we’ve also added the following popular podcasts to our directory:
Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast
Daily Hope with Rick Warren Podcast
Inside Sports Illustrated Podcast
John Maxwell: A Minute with Maxwell Podcast
Life Habits Podcast with Karel Vredenburg
Marathon Training Academy Podcast
Norman Centuries: A Norman History Podcast (from the creator of the “12 Byzantine Rulers” podcast)
Bill O’Reilly News & Interviews Podcast
Orson Welles: On The Air Podcast
Seth Godin’s Startup School Podcast
The Smart Passive Income Podcast
WNYC’s Here’s The Thing Podcast with Alec Baldwin
Enjoy these individual podcasts and browse many more in our podcast directory: