



September 7, 2005

Disaster Relief PSAs

Hey all. I just wanted to let you know that we recorded a brief public service announcement tonight for the victims of Hurricane Katrina. If you have a podcast you are welcome to use this PSA. Here’s the link:


I’ve included the transcript for the PSA below. If you are looking for other PSAs, Podshow has assembled a collection of them. Here’s that link:


PSA Transcript

Hey everybody. It’s Jon Bischke here from LearnOutLoud.com. If my voice sounds a bit weary it’s because I just returned from Louisiana where I spent the last few days helping out with the Red Cross. We were helping out in Lafayette where there are 40,000 evacuees currently residing. It was heartbreaking to see many of the people and realize how much they had lost and how their lives had been impacted by Katrina. At the same time, it was inspiring to see thousands of people coming to the aid of others who had been complete strangers only a few days before. So much is being done but there is so much more to be done. Please do whatever you can even if you don’t think it’ll make much of a difference. Donate to the Red Cross by going to www.redcross.org. Look for volunteer opportunities in your area on places like Craig’s List. And please keep the people of the Gulf Coast in your thoughts and prayers in the coming weeks and months.