



October 4, 2005


I’m listening to Wayne Dyer’s old Nightingale-Contant program How to Be a No-Limit Person right now (Note: Unfortunately it’s out of print so your best hope of finding it is probably eBay. We do have a ton of other Wayne Dyer audio though!). In it, he talks about how we always have choices about how we can perceive the world. He specifically mentions our choice about how we respond when we’re faced with a traffic jam.

Many people decide to let the situation control how they feel. They’ll start to feel mad or frustrated or bored because of their external situation. Dyer makes the point that letting external conditions impact your internal emotions is very disempowering. Rather than get angry about the way the world is you should instead look for ways to make the best of whatever situation you’re given. His recommendation for traffic jams? Audio learning! He tells the audience (it’s a live recording) that you can learn French in a couple of years of sitting in traffic jams without ever having to set foot inside a classroom. How right he is…

It all boils down to choices. When you drive to work tomorrow morning you’ll have an endless array of choices of things to listen to. Some will educate you, fulfill you or uplift you. Others won’t. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t always (or sometimes even often…) make the best choices. But I don’t think that being perfect is the goal. I tihnk the goal is to continue to strive to make better choices.

That’s one of the main reasons we started LearnOutLoud.com. We want to give you better choices for your morning commute and for any other time of the day when you can listen to something or watch something. There is SO much good stuff out there and we’re only scratching the surface with our website. Having said that we do hope that we can help you to find some alternatives and that before long, like Wayne Dyer, you’ll look forward to sitting in traffic.

OK, this rant is over.