



January 6, 2006

Peaceful Warrior The Movie


I had the distinct privilege of being invited to attend an advance screening of the new movie Peaceful Warrior which is based on Dan Millman’s book Way of The Peaceful Warrior. The movie comes out in June and you’ll definitely want to check it out. It’s both a touching story and very thought-provoking. And I would highly recommend reading the book or listening to the audio book beforehand. As with any movie a lot gets left out but I thought they did do a pretty good job in sticking to the theme of the book.

If you’re interesting in catching a little of Dan’s work for free you can take a listen to the Dan Millman Podcast which we host on LearnOutLoud. We’ve only got one episode currently up but more will be on the way soon.

Thanks to Dan for the invite and kudos to him and everyone at Lion’s Gate for their work on the film. It may or may not be the next Hollywood blockbuster but the inspiration it will provide for many will far outweigh any dollar figures.