



February 14, 2006

Love is in the air…


Happy Valentine’s Day everyone! No doubt today finds all of us in different spots. Some of us madly in love. Others dealing with loss or heartache. Regardless of where you are and how Valentine’s Day makes you feel it’s a good opportunity to reflect on love and what it means to you. A great way to further your understanding of love is to listen to some audio books on the subject. So here are a few suggestions that would make great Valentine’s Day listening:

Anything by Leo Buscaglia – Leo is one of my all-time favorites and just about the closest thing there is to an authority on the subject of love. After all, he used to teach a class called “Love” at USC! Leo’s material is heart-warming and I’d advise anyone to have a good stash of Leo’s stuff handy for those days when you feel a little down. Unfortunately a lot of his stuff is out of print but you can browse our selection here.

The Path to Love by Deepak Chopra – This is a book I’ve returned to a few times in my life. While I don’t think I’ve ever read it cover to cover there are some passages in here that are quite profound. Sometimes I find Deepak’s material a bit inaccessible but that’s not the case with this one. Another similar audio to this one is Don Miguel Ruiz’s The Mastery of Love. Both are highly recommended.

Poetry – What better way is there to woo your mate or deepen your ability to love then with poetry? Listen to poems is an entirely different experience from reading them. A few recommended selections include Classical Love Poetry, A Lover’s Gift from Him to Her and The Sonnets by William Shakespeare.

Have a very happy and love-filled Valentine’s Day!