



September 4, 2013

Preview Trailers for The Great Courses

At LearnOutLoud.com we love The Great Courses (formerly The Teaching Company). They now have a YouTube channel and they’ve created trailers for many of their Great Courses. Here’s their YouTube channel if you want to check it out:


You can browse all of The Great Courses through site right here:

Browse Over 300 of The Great Courses

On the course pages for their courses on LearnOutLoud.com we’ve embedded these course trailers. They run a few minutes long and give you a good idea what the course is all about. Here are the courses we feature that have trailers:

Algebra II

Art and Craft of Mathematical Problem Solving

Art of Reading

Art of Teaching: Best Practices from a Master Educator

Before 1776: Life in the American Colonies

Biology and Human Behavior

Biology: The Science of Life


Classical Mythology

Dead Sea Scrolls

Early Middle Ages

Fall and Rise of China

Foundations of Western Civilization II

From Yao to Mao

Great Minds of the Western Intellectual Tradition

High School Level Chemistry

A History of England from the Tudors to the Stuarts

A History of European Art

The History of Ancient Egypt

The History of Ancient Rome

How the Earth Works

How to Become a SuperStar Student

Lost Christianities

Meaning from Data

Medieval World

No Excuses: Existentialism and the Meaning of Life

The Old Testament

Particle Physics for Non-Physicists

Quantum Mechanics: The Physics of the Microscopic World

Understanding Complexity

Understanding the Brain


Wisdom of History

World War II: A Military and Social History

And if you haven’t yet, be sure to check out The Great Courses Plus. You can now sign up for a free one month trial on TheGreatCoursesPlus.com. For fans of The Great Courses it’s overwhelmingly awesome. You subscribe to The Great Courses Plus, and you can then watch 300 great courses and over 6,000 video lectures as much as you want, whenever you want!

After the initial free month, the price is only $19.99/month now! A bargain considering all the great courses you get access to. And if you sign up for a full year the price breaks down to only $14.99/month. We’ve gone through their entire catalog and there are so many courses and individual lectures we want to watch. You can browse all these courses by category on their website as well:

Browse Over 300 Courses Currently Offered Through the The Great Courses Plus
We’ve updated a blog post that lays out The Great Courses Plus in more detail and lists all the current courses:

Watch 300 Great Courses on the Great Courses Plus Updated Blog Post